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HR2.0 - Icom IC-705 DSTAR to DMR with the Openspot3 Cross Mode

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KC5HWB, Oct 19, 2020.

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  1. KC5HWB

    KC5HWB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    What exactly is fake about this specific video?
  2. NN6D

    NN6D Ham Member QRZ Page

    the video is fine, (the newsworthiness is MEH)

    sadly, it's the RADIO part that's fake
  3. KJ7OMD

    KJ7OMD Ham Member QRZ Page

    I agree that a nuke that is set off at a 200 mile altitude would take out a large enough area to shut down 1/4th of the US with an EMP, for a while. The length of time that it will be down is not going to be as long as many will think. Elon's satellites will just re-arrange themselves and the internet will be back in a few hours. The internet is decoupling from the power grid. The other problem with this scenario is that 99.9% of the Ham's will have their gear blow up at the same time. Also if one nuke goes off chances are a lot more will follow, then there will be no one left to talk to. Ham Radio Crash Coarse has an episode on faraday cages. :)

    We had a fiberoptic cable dug up in Salt Lake City this last week and our traffic from Boise to Maryland was rerouted through North Dakota. Our systems never knew it went down. The new routing bypassed 6 states we would normally go through. The internet is harder to kill than many think, it is the hydra from mythology.

    You are absolutely right about those people that "50% will agree with to the death and 50% will disagree with to the death."

    I fully agree with the fact that those that do not expand there knowledge will not know what to do. I believe in expanding your licenses and learning all that you can. However a few people here have proven that they are not here in a capacity to help, support or help the hobby accept & train the new people. Just saying this is not an environment that is conducive to learning. The people on Youtube are making efforts to train the new people, for those that think they can do better I challenge them to try. In the mean time I will continue to watch and learn.

    Here I go, I'm new and I don't know what "Lids" are? Let the funnies begin.
  4. KJ7OMD

    KJ7OMD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Can you post some links or info on this radio? Why is it fake?
    KC5HWB likes this.
  5. KC5HWB

    KC5HWB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Since it produces RF, it is a real radio. If I were doing a video on Zello, you would be right.
    N2YQT likes this.
  6. KE8LXS

    KE8LXS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Digital modes aren't going anywhere. If you don't like them, don't use them. Me, I think it's pretty darn neat you can talk to someone all over the world regardless of conditions. Is it true ham radio? You have to have a license, so yeah it is. Who knows what technology will bring in the next 20 years or so. Either embrace it or be left behind with all the innovations that will come.

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