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HamRadioNow: That ARRL Entry Level License Survey

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K4AAQ, Mar 2, 2017.

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  1. N5IPA

    N5IPA Ham Member QRZ Page

    It has as much value as any data that has been presented in this thread.

    What other survey mentioned in this thread can prove a more diverse demographic, or better data?

    Is it scientific? No, but it has value,
    AB4D likes this.
  2. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Part of that issue is the overall demographics of Japan show very few young people period. Not so in the States.

    It is really bizarre that many folks feel that creating a new entry class--for example an 'experimenters' license for digital--dumbs down the 'hobby'. And it doesn't 'dumb it down' as for decades an even more modest entry exam existed, that was 'dumber'. Those who went beyond the entry level (novice) are now the leaders in ham radio, and their experience and accomplishment indicate they are hardly 'dumb'.

    In fact such a more modest study scenario would target the very young people we now lack.

    The idea of using the CLASSROOM to make ham radio-- CURRICULUM-- is not new; has merit; and is clearly successful. The problem is that you will never have mass adoption by school systems and thus you have the same problem--very few young people in ham radio.

    So you can MAKE entry materials actual SCHOOLWORK and get a few new young hams, or keep the entry materials MODEST--NOT BLOATED LIKE THE TECH--and young people are far more likely to pursue on their own.

    What they aren't doing in any numbers is studying a bloated Tech question pool--because IT comes off as SCHOOLWORK.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2017
    AB4D likes this.
  3. WF9Q

    WF9Q Ham Member QRZ Page

    It is "scientific" in a sense, they just relied upon no value samples. Typically, the know nothing whiners contribute nothing to the core cause however seem to do a good job of whining to get their way and force their negative agenda. That is one of the specific characteristics of the facebook demographic.
  4. AB4D

    AB4D QRZ Lifetime Member #415 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    What knowledge do you have about Facebook's core demographics? Frankly, your statement is unsupported by any facts. The latest data indicates that 62% of Facebook users are college graduates or have some education at the college level., and 73% are homeowners (indicative of more than low income). Your statement, is just an opinion, and that does not equate to any relative fact.

    The survey is a small sample. However, IMO the age demographics lends an elevated value to the subject at hand. As you note, the age of the respondents are typically younger than the average ham. Based on some comments presented here, it's easy to see why the number one perceived problem is Old Operators (curmudgeons). :D
    N5IPA likes this.
  5. AB3TQ

    AB3TQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Recently, a ham living in Korea posted a video to QRZ of a product review done by his young daughter (single digits young). She struck me as so bright and confident, that I said that with a bit of study she could probably get an FCC Tech license fairly quickly. But I also asked about entry level Korean licensing. His response:

    They can take a test in Korean, or English. The English test is regarded as easier, if they know English. Many try and fail. Many don't. They offer a 1/2 day class with no test to earn a 10w VHF/UHF license, and I think that gets many more takers.

    So, notice the option where the barrier is quite low, but the privileges are modest. A concept I favored earlier in this thread. The barrier to overcome and any privileges then entitled must be in balance. Otherwise, just let it die. What is left wasn't worth saving.
    N5IPA likes this.
  6. WF9Q

    WF9Q Ham Member QRZ Page

    Its very easy and you can do this for your self, just go onto the site and do an evaluation based upon what users clearly display to the public.....
  7. KB1PA

    KB1PA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thats great, but where is the explanation of the follow up once licensed. I bet the new hams still are clueless after a ½ day class and exam. So they have their license. Now what? This is where the most resources are needed.
    There is almost no follow up to show new hams (of any age) how to participate in the hobby. We can license millions, but without follow up 98% will just drop out and never use their privileges.
    VK6APZ/SK2022 and N5IPA like this.
  8. KD4LT

    KD4LT Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    The Japan hams are there a lot on the bands ,from my QTH they come in big time. And I think the largest ham swap is in Tokyo .
  9. KD4LT

    KD4LT Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Maybe we should pay more on the AARL membership dues and the ARRL well drop this idea ???????????
    AD5KO, KG7VTO, N5IPA and 1 other person like this.
  10. AB4D

    AB4D QRZ Lifetime Member #415 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Again, that is your opinion, based on your own personal experience. It certainly is not consistent with Facebook's data, or my (YMMV) experience. The majority of groups I have joined, are amateur radio related, and activity is similar to what is seen here, except much less vitriol and other rudeness. Discussions tend to be more focused to the particular group, involve younger hams and are more fluid with higher participation, where accolades are more common than criticism.

    Naysayers, negative Nancy's and old curmudgeons, usually don't last too long before an administrator removes them from the group. Facebook is good in that regard, that people's enjoyment takes precedence over someone's bad attitude and acidic comments.
    W9AFB and N5IPA like this.
  11. WF9Q

    WF9Q Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thats because they are telling you what they want you to hear. Do some homework on how facebook is now back peddling on their stated ratings. Additionally, they are not the only ones. I suspected issues 5 or 6 years prior and discovered BS and cut all of our CPC and banner ads on ALL the sites.
  12. AB4D

    AB4D QRZ Lifetime Member #415 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Neither Facebook's ratings, nor your business dealing were ever at issue. Facebook, is not the only group that compiles data, about who uses Facebook. There are independent groups as well, and the data is consistent. Your statement, that Facebook's "core demographic is uneducated and low income" is not substantiated by any fact, and remains an opinion.
    AD5KO and N5IPA like this.
  13. WF9Q

    WF9Q Ham Member QRZ Page

    I wish I still had article printed in Advertising Age mag that was published a few months back, it highlighted how customers are just now beginning to question the validity of the data and how their ads are being viewed. All of them are resisting any type of audits........................
  14. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    If the objective is to get them to learn by being OTA, then it certainly makes sense.
  15. N5IPA

    N5IPA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sure seems to support the argument for getting people involved in ham radio versus making it easier for people to get licensed.
    AD5KO and (deleted member) like this.

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