In this installment of the YouTubers Bunch, a collection of Ham Radio Operators with YouTube Channels, we discuss the ARRL. Is ARRL membership...
Randy Smith WU2S joins David and Darren AJ6BL to talk about Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network. [MEDIA] [IMG]
[MEDIA] David W0DHG talks to Jim Wades WB8SWI and Joe Ames W3JY of Radio Relay International about the organization, it's beginnings, how it...
[ATTACH] The ARRL has launched a survey of members asking about maybe asking the FCC for a new Entry Level License. This lively bull session... -------------------------- This is a...
This week Marty, KC1CWF (age 15), and Sterling, N0SSC (age 25) of the Phasing Line Podcast, recorded a joint podcast with HamRadioNow's David...
On this episode of the Phasing Line, Marty and Sterling join forces with the whole team at HamRadioNow. We talked about Youth, Contesting,...
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