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Video: ARRL FIELD DAY 2020

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KB1THM, Jun 29, 2020.

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  1. K1SZO

    K1SZO Ham Member QRZ Page

    The GBARC club is the club that administered Tech / General license back in March 2014.
    KB1THM likes this.
  2. K7MSO

    K7MSO XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Neat! What logging software did you use?
  3. WR7AY

    WR7AY XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    N3FJP. Our web guy found a feature in their software, setup an ftp account that we all shared, wrote some cool code and pow.
    Here is the final totals. It just clicked right along until we ran out of time.

    WJ4U and KB1THM like this.
  4. KB1THM

    KB1THM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Cool, I think virtual tests are being planned as we speak for anyone else in CT looking to take one! Join us for next event or on the repeater 146.445 or 441.700 also on HF
  5. K9GLS

    K9GLS Guest

    Now if we just had Field Day every weekend we'd never have bad band conditions. (typed in a special sarcasm font that might not be installed on your device making it hard to recognize).
    WJ4U and KM5SP like this.
  6. AC0GT

    AC0GT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks for that tip on the sarcasm. I had to remove the sarcasm font to visit QRZ because the sarcasm font kept dripping onto my keyboard and making a mess of things. The "BS" font had to go for similar reasons.

    I remember listening to an interview of Henry Rollins where he talked about "making your own scene" when talking about the lack of a "punk rock scene" with an aspiring musician. If you want a punk rock circle of bands and listeners then start one. I get his point but that still takes some kindling for the spark to fall on. People can "make the bands open" only if there's enough people willing to join in. Contests will do that because there's a reward for this, even if it's just points on a web page somewhere.

    I'll see people constantly mock these "robot" stations that take some of the "work" out of the game. If these "bots" weren't there then it would be much more difficult to gauge when and where bands open up. Many of the old tricks don't work. Shortwave stations are closing up, so listening for them isn't helping. As I recall there's no TV on channel 2 anymore to let people know when 6 meters opens. We are going to need new tools and tricks.
  7. DJ0AJ

    DJ0AJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    N8ZI likes this.
  8. DJ0AJ

    DJ0AJ Ham Member QRZ Page

  9. YD1MCD

    YD1MCD Ham Member QRZ Page

  10. WA8LGM

    WA8LGM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Worked Field Day this year for the first time in a long with the W4BV group here in Fayetteville Tennessee. I broke out an old Ten-Tec Omni D transceiver and a fw other things and worked the whole of field day on 20 meters. Hoping to do it again next year. Great time had by all at site. Had a lot of fun.
    KB1THM and WN1MB like this.

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