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Breaking news: Fcc inaugurates paperless amateur radio licensing february 17

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by WA6ITF, Jan 29, 2015.

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  1. WD5JOY

    WD5JOY Ham Member QRZ Page

    My brother-in-law just renewed his ticket. He received a printed license, however, it is on WHITE PAPER, I am guessing 20# MAXIMUM. No images of any sort appear but the format is the same as old licenses. It LOOKS CHEAP and the "white paper" in some ways makes it appear an insignificant document that ANYONE could print on a home computer / printer.

    Once this is implemented if they issue all licenses on this "white paper" with no background images it will be simply "ugly" hanging on a wall - even in a fancy frame.

    Maybe the brother-in-law got the "white paper" because they are out of the old 'green colored' paper formerly used. Doubtful, but 'maybe'!

    From Senility Central --- Old Man Donnie
  2. WD5JOY

    WD5JOY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Johnny - the green security paper is a good idea, however, unless the printable info from the FCC includes the small "FCC LOGO" it won't appear as the older ones. Other than that it would sure look better than the pure WHITE paper they sent my brother-in-law when he recently renewed his ticket.

    In the proverbial "big picture" it would appear just fine on the security paper you noted. I suppose I am just with too little to do nowadays and this fits the bill as another of my "beat that horse a bit more" even though the poor guy died months ago! Smells that way too!

    In any event - we will live with whatever they decide and I'll need to quit fabricating problems just to give me something else about which I may "moan and groan". Taxes will be due in a couple months and it can move to "Number 1" on my list.

    Be well and 73!

    From Senility Central --- Old Man Donnie
  3. WD5JOY

    WD5JOY Ham Member QRZ Page

    HEY IT'S 'DALE'- N6JSX- HI 'OM'!!!

    "KUBY"! Hey young sir -
    hoping the world is treating you well! It's been nearly 20 years since the last of the "Don't give a hoot" REAL "435's" left town". I see you are in '8-land' nowadays; I trust all is going well for you and the family! Now you have 'teenagers' or 'higher' to liven up your life! Heck the kids could be in college now "OM". :)

    There was no need to monitor the "T-Hunter Haven" frequencies; it was a given that it was a special group of crazy guys who were happily giving you folks something to do in your "off time" (the majority of time you were ALL "off" a tad). :eek: :D

    Hey guy I don't want to deviate too far from the topic at hand - so you take care and as far as "How many OO cards did I write you?" A LOT of good they did, huh? :eek: Yet, once in a moment of compassion you actually sent a "GOOD GUY CARD"! I think I still have it stashed away somewhere! It's a treasure! NO 2-meters for me anymore; I'm on 'HF' and having a ball; and NO I do NOT use that "no talent scroat" 14.313 frequency at all. I'm done with that questionable type of operation! Maybe we will run across one another "on the bands".

    73 'OM' and be well! "Sick" is a tough one to overcome but "I dood it"!

    From The Master Control Tower at Senility Central .... "Old Man Donnie":eek:
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2015
  4. K4AAQ

    K4AAQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Better Paper Licenses

    Here's your solution, from HamHijinks...


    (oh, and also look for their new story on Brian Williams....)

    73, Gary KN4AQ
  5. KC2UGV

    KC2UGV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Why is this disturbing?

    If a person doesn't come to the testing site prepared with all required documents, why does anyone have to do a thing to fix that?
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