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XML Log Grid Update

Discussion in 'QRZ Site Community Help Center' started by TG9AJR, Jan 27, 2023.

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  1. TG9AJR

    TG9AJR Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hello I'm trying to obtain missing data in this particular case the 6 digit Grid Locator for my logged QSOs.
    Some QSO's I don't have any grid and some others I have only 4 digits.
    I'm a Platinum subscriber and I understand there some XML option that I can use, but not sure if this is the right tool of what I need to do and if so how to use it.

    Any advice.
  2. K8VHL

    K8VHL Moderator Emeritus Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Are you asking about your Grid? If so, then got to Logbook Settings, then Logbook Properties, then scroll down to the Location area and enter your Grid. Then scroll down to and select the green Save button.
  3. TG9AJR

    TG9AJR Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thank you but no.
    A friend mentioned that I could auto fill or some how fill a 6 digit Grid Locator on my log for the stations that I had worked.
    I have some QSOs with no grid, some with 4 digit and some with 6 digit for a log map tool.

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