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Would you be willing to share 10m with CB?

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by N4INU, Dec 9, 2001.

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  1. PB2JJ

    PB2JJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Same problem here in The Netherlands.

    When i tune around the cw portion on the 10mtr band I hear allot of QRM from russian cb stations even taxi drivers in Russia are operating there.

    very anoying!
  2. KD5NRH

    KD5NRH Ham Member QRZ Page

    <BLOCKQUOTE>There is no equiptment for the FRS that be modified to go out of band and there are no amps for the band. The FRS is what 11 meters was intended to be.</BLOCKQUOTE>

    How long do you think it would take them to figure a way to put a 70cm brick amp on an FRS unit?
  3. KD5NRH

    KD5NRH Ham Member QRZ Page

    <BLOCKQUOTE>The truck drivers/illegal operators will get the point when their bosses are taking the fine money out of their paychecks.</BLOCKQUOTE>

    What paychecks? You cost a company $5k in fines over something like that, you're going to get walking papers and a lawsuit to collect whatever your final check doesn't cover.

    IMO, this is probably the most viable option for getting rid of the mobile troublemakers.
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    "The jamming I do on 10m's is condoned personally by Mr. Hollingsworth, call him and ask about his approval to me, W7SNS pal."

    Showing he is willfully ignoring the real problem or excercising "Selective Enforcement" at its' worst or both? I am sure Mr. Powell would not be pleased with this action because RH is promoting you to break the law against "willful interference". 2 wrongs never make a right nor does it address the core problem at hand. It still exists after you get your instant gratification! Can I get personal approval from Mommy Dearest to break the law too? Please, please...
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    "If they start trying to get out of the FRS bands they will be in the 2 meter repeater band and I bet the locals will track the down fast."

    They would have to get from 462/467 MHz down to 144 MHz. Quite a jump, eh? They would migrate to the 440 repeater band with mobile rigs before they would change bands. If they wanted high band, there are the 5 channels of MURS: 151.820, 151.880, 151.940, 154.570 & 154.600 license free!

    I guess your proposal aims to make hams into pseudo "law enforcement"? What do you propose when there is a need to confront a defiant operator? Haven't you ever heard "don't try this at home"? I think hams are frustrated radio police already. Giving hams any more power would corrupt absolutely & get someone hurt or even killed! Sorry to say this but your proposal is a pipe dream at best! You would be simply moving the problem to VHF/UHF! Moving "them" is not an option. You need to slay the problem where it is, not cause it to migrate elsewhere!
  6. N4SL

    N4SL Ham Member QRZ Page

    My apologies, sir, it was intended as humor unlike most of the other nasty comments on this web site.

    73, Steve N4SL
  7. N8IWK

    N8IWK Ham Member QRZ Page

    they will think they were on 10, if we started using the 11 meter band as if it were 10 meters. Complying with the 11 meter rules we could use call signs and proper operating techniques as we do on 10 meters.
    There are plenty of 10 meter QRP stations out there, why can't we do the same on 11 meters.
    11 meter QRP equipment is easily available and affordable.
    Maybe the 11 meter operators will then follow suit on their own band, it may even spark an interest to get licenced to operate ligit on 10 meters.
  8. KK5OL

    KK5OL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ok just what is the "company line" regarding sales of Amateur equipment. Are you required to 'Check' for a license? Just how do you determine that someone will not use any equipment you sell(ie. FRS, MURS, CB, Cellfones,etc.) 'for illegal purposes'? What training are you provided? Just humor us.

    de KK5OL
  9. N8VW

    N8VW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Whats to stop CBers from moving to VHF/UHF now? After all it has been shown that they don't need licenses to buy Amateur equipment.

    When the sunspots die again, the hoopla over CBER's on 10 meters will die down. Then we will again be thankfull that they are on because we will know when 10 meters is open during that time.
  10. ka0scu

    ka0scu Ham Member QRZ Page

    Do appreciate your legwork to show the problem. What does the FCC have to say about this? Are they simply looking the other way while known sales to non hams takes place? These illegal dealers should be turned in to the FCC for enforcement action. That is the only thing that will deter illegal sales in my opinion. I believe the FCC has been too lax about this.
  11. KC8OZJ

    KC8OZJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I would like to have no-code Technicians get to share the 10 Meter band. We at least have a ham license! Or is this not good enough!!!

    My 2 cents. 73's KC8OZJ.
  12. W6FDU

    W6FDU Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am definitely against letting law breakers expand their illegal activities. If they want more spectrum space, they should appeal to the FCC for it through proper channels. The present encroachment into the Ham bands is unacceptable and should be agressively curtailed.

    Also, the sale of Ham band equipment to non-licensed persons must be stopped! If we allow this "anarchy" to presist and to grow, then we are no better off than we were early in the last century before the regulation laws were enacted.

    This "terrorism" of the Ham bands by intruders must not be allow to continue.


    Ben, W6FDU/FO0DB
  13. KD7OBQ

    KD7OBQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    In response to question of willingness to share 10m with CB..."NO". Seems like the obvious answer to the question. The key question to ask is how will federal law be enforced in this matter? To me the case is pretty much cut and dried.
    1) Violations are taking place. Federal Violations!
    2} Amateur bands are a limited commodity.
    3) What happens after 10m is taken over? 15m..20m..? When do we drive the stake in the ground and say enough?
    4) Prosecution should be a straight forward process. Wait for the CB'er to QSL and have the FCC mail something in addition to his QSL card from his illegal CB'er buddy.
    5) Record date, freq. & time of violation then level a substantial federal fine. Something with some teeth in it.
    6) And yes, proof of valid amateur license should be required at hamfests & vendor purchases to prevent illegal non-licensed sales. Maybe not the solution but a place to start. It is time to set a precedence or we may not need to worry about having any bands left to QSO on.

    Once some of the illegals start feeling the federally imposed financial pain it won't take long for the word to get out that we are indeed serious about protecting our band(s). Just my humble opinion. 73s...
  14. K7PIG

    K7PIG Ham Member QRZ Page

    You must first ask Mommy Dearest for her approval.

    I'll state this again, when I hear Illegal CB'ers on 10m I will jam them, they will not communicate.

    Emergency Communications is entirely a different matter.

    They have no right(s) operating on 10m's without the proper license.

    The gratification is just overwhelming jamming CB'ers on 10m's. I jump up and down on the Dining Table at the end of each jamming session. Jamming sessions last from just prior to Sunrise to 1 to 2 hours after Sunset. A long day indeed.

    Some folks have stated on 10m SSB the problem will disappear when we hit the low of the Solar Cycle, HORSE-HOCKEY, the problem will still exist.

    Powell dictates his Presidential authority because he's the man and the Son of General Powell, now Secretary of State. Powell is interested in big money, commerical side of communications not ham radio.

    Our good old USA has lost all morales, ethics, faith, discipline and respect. Few have the fortitude to state the true facts for they might be fired, pussies, whimps, chicken pucks, etc.

    Mr. Hollingsworth is a go-4-it in Federal Service. The Cheese stinks in the FCC.

    Hollingsworth wrote in an email reply to me,"I know it's a bad situation." In reference to 10m illegal operator's. Our Federal Goverment(FCC) is derelict in their duties, if that were a dereliction of duty in our Armed Forces--General Court Martial proceedings.

    Heavy Fines and Federal Imprisoment are already in the Laws. Hit the sales outlets hard, fine them, shut them down if the need arises. Store sales personnel stating false information on transceivers they sell, fire them, simple.

    Truck Stops selling 10m equipment, shut them done, fine them, get rid of the seller.

    You get your vehicle license plates at DMV, then get your radio at authorized radio dealer's, show a license or no transceiver is sold. The poor sales person will lose money if no license is presented, too bad, poor sales person but they couldn't care less if you don't have a ticket, it's the big American GreenBack THEY want, no morales or ethics involved just that money transfer.

    Now, I state it the way it is, you don't like it, you have the problem, I'm comfortable.
  15. W6CSP

    W6CSP Ham Member QRZ Page

    While my information is goind to be a bit out of date (it's been about 9 years since I worked part time for Tandy/RS) I can say that there was always plenty of information in company liturature regarding the need for a license before operating amateur equipment.</P>

    The manager I worked for strongly encouraged us to work with interested customers to add-on (something we looked for in every sale) items like a copy of "Now You're Talking" or the Gordon West book. We were instructed to and incorporated into our 'pitch' the information which is clearly printed in all RS manuals (right up front) that transmitting with the radio requires a license. You can own it, you can even use it as a receiver, but just don't transmit with it until you have the appropriate class license.</P>

    I even had a customer, (a No-Code Tech) who admitted he was purchasing what he was in order to operate on the HF bands. I reminded him that he could lose his license for operating outside his privileges, but as he was going to be maritime mobile, he did not seem to care.</P>

    At least while I was there, RS from a corporate level was very concerned about this issue. There were (are?) a number of hams in top management positions and they are sensitive to the complaint. RS's (and every other major electronics chain) biggest problem always has been and may always be the transient nature of their employee population. You don't develop knowledge of these products overnight. Unless as a customer you demand to deal with the store manager, it may be tough to find someone with a lot of experience. Considering how often even the managers get moved around, it's been difficult for me to even deal with the same manager regularly. ;-( 73 all, Ralph
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