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Wins, Fails, Surprises: Contest Crew Wraps the CQ Worldwide

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W1DED, Nov 5, 2024.

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  1. W1DED

    W1DED Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    The biggest ham radio contest of 2024, the CQ Worldwide SSB, took place last weekend. Scores and post-contest stories have been circulating on 3830 scores, social media, and contest club reflectors, and now the raw scores have been released by John Dorr, K1AR, the CQ WW Contest Director. In this episode, the Contest Crew adds their voices to the post-contest buzz from their locations in St. Kitts, Grand Cayman, Arizona, and with your host's participation as part of the J62K team in St. Lucia. They discuss the typical highs and lows that come with every contest, infused with their trademark wit, humor, and unsolicited advice. Join the conversation and follow the channel if you enjoy what we're doing at W1DED Worldwide Ham Radio. 73, Kevin.
    W0PV, YF8RQN and JF1IRQ like this.
  2. KG4LDK

    KG4LDK Ham Member QRZ Page

    ban contest!!!!!
  3. WA5RML

    WA5RML Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you Kevin and the Contest Crew. I enjoy these videos along with the contesting insights that they provide.
    W1DED likes this.
  4. KO4NJV

    KO4NJV XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Turn your radio off and go spend time doing something else. It was fun to see the bands jam packed for the weekend. I can’t imagine being so miserable that I need to ban something that brings someone else joy.
    KA2FIR, G3SEA, AI6US and 10 others like this.
  5. W5INC

    W5INC Ham Member QRZ Page

    KA2FIR, N3AWS, AE8EM and 1 other person like this.
  6. KC4EOG

    KC4EOG Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    ??? There are only a few big contests per year. Many people enjoy them. Why would anyone want ot ban the contests?
    VE7XXD and K4EEK like this.
  7. N6CXD

    N6CXD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Seems the bands are mostly dead when it comes to SSB unless there is a contest. I would suggest more contest at least once a month. Most DX today is all digital and I tried the FT8 and others and it's not my cup of tea. I prefer voice. Talking SSB antenna to antenna is more exciting to me. I wish I could do CW but have hearing issues.
    N3AWS and AE8EM like this.
  8. W0PV

    W0PV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great report from all on the premier DX radiotelephone operating event.

    Glad you participated at J62K, I made several QSO's with the team from WØPV or W4SUN.

    Bill K9HZ & Loretta have been friends for years, they are smart, kind, and lots of fun. Always a good time with them at Hamvention, hope to get together at Villa Grand Piton (J68HZ) soon.

    73. John, WØPV
  9. KG4LDK

    KG4LDK Ham Member QRZ Page

    i CAN'T IMAGINE BEING SO MISERABLE that i felt it necessary TO REPLY TO MY POST.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2024
  10. KG4LDK

    KG4LDK Ham Member QRZ Page

    So you do not like ft8. I really enjoy it. So you blast me for disliking contest and you don't like ft8. THINK ABOUT IT. ENUFF SAID.
  11. N6CXD

    N6CXD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I never blasted you or anyone. I just said I like contest because we get more people on SSB. Run which ever mode makes you happy. Control your temper.
  12. KG4LDK

    KG4LDK Ham Member QRZ Page

    I do not have a temper. just forget I even posted. NOW GO AWAY. I am done with this I said ban contests in jest and everyone gets butt hurt. If you really listen to the bands during a contest you hear the worst operating habits everyone keying up on each other. Geez.. Makes 11 meters in the 70's look civilized.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2024
  13. KG4LDK

    KG4LDK Ham Member QRZ Page

    I posted this in jest. Sorry if I offended anyone!!!
  14. VE7XXD

    VE7XXD Ham Member QRZ Page

    The bands are nearly dead during the weekdays & contesting is simply popular. The option of using the non-contest bands or using a different mode, not using the contest mode of the day or moment is always available & reasonable. Large contests are large because people enjoy them. It's easier to accept the landscape on HF, adapt to the landscape and evolve past the grumpy old Elmer syndrome. The community is in need of creative & thoughtful Elmer's who understand that we all stand on the shoulders of past telecom pioneers. The community is built on exemplary ambassadors who value the greater good of radio sciences, that contribution, both technology & cultural, has consequence today & tomorrow. To ban anything is perilous with regressive sentiment nothing is gained. Consider personally censoring the bad idea before espousing. KG4LDK, I accept your sentiment and am not offended. The Jester, in jest you are. Public forums are what they are, you really can't expect to throw crap on the wall and expect people to smile. 73
  15. K8TE

    K8TE Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hearing voice is much more difficult than CW! You can vary the CW pitch to match what frequency you hear best. You can narrow the bandwidth to reduce noise. CW is far more capable than voice for the same signal strength. WSJT-X brings other, even more effective, modes to the mix.

    From the Radio Amateur's Code: "PROGRESSIVE...He/[She] keeps his/[her] station up to date. It is well-built and efficient. His/[Her] operating practice is above reproach."

    73, Bill, K8TE
    N3AWS likes this.

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