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Wilkes Barre PA hamfest- Any good????

Discussion in 'Hamfest Reports & Videos' started by W3ATV, Jun 30, 2016.

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  1. WA2CWA

    WA2CWA Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Having participated at both hamfests (Sussex and Sellersville) for many years, the Sussex hamfest is the premier hamfest in NJ. The Sellersville hamfest has also grown. Generally the paved area behind the firehouse is totally filled with vendors and roughly 100 feet away is the very large unpaved (somewhat grassy area) parking area where there are many more vendors. There is also a room for indoor vendors. Being in mid-October, it can sometimes be nippy weather early in the morning (especially if you're one of the flashlight people) but, as the sun rises, it generally gets comfortable. Sellersville is generally my last hamfest for the year.

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