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Wilkes Barre PA hamfest- Any good????

Discussion in 'Hamfest Reports & Videos' started by W3ATV, Jun 30, 2016.

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  1. W3ATV

    W3ATV XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I used to go there years ago- it was a nice fest. I am pretty sure it is in a different location now. Is it still a good hamfest or did it dwindle to almost nothing like so many others?

    Or maybe I should go to Harrisburg? Maybe both?!?!

  2. N3AB

    N3AB Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm in the same boat. I'm now retired, so I have extra time to cruise the circuits. Like to know what to expect at both of these fests. Hoping someone can fill us in.

    73, John N3AB
    W3ATV likes this.
  3. KA0HCP

    KA0HCP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    If you don't go, you can help it dwindle more! ;)
    KC0KEK and W3ATV like this.
  4. W3ATV

    W3ATV XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Well if N3AB John and I go there will be two. Any more??? Roll Call!
  5. K3XR

    K3XR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Been there many times but not in recent years they were held at what I believe was a county fair grounds don't know the present location. The internet has clearly had an impact on the number of vendors and buyers that show up at local hamfest in recent years don't see that changing any time soon.
    W3ATV likes this.
  6. AB3TQ

    AB3TQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Never been to the Wilkes Barre fest, and didn't get there today either. Perhaps someone could let us know how it was.

    Saturday was my first visit to the Harrisburg fest at the Harrisburg Area Community College
    Fire Training Ground. I don't know how grand hamfests were in the good old days, but I was quite satisfied with the Harrisburg fest. Thanks to the W3UU club for hosting an enjoyable and worthwhile experience for my 120 mile round trip. I went because a friend was going. I would gladly go back again any time.

    Glenn AB3TQ
  7. W3ATV

    W3ATV XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I arrived at 8am and was ticket #176. My best guess-timate there were 60 sellers. Nothing like years ago, but still bigger than a few I have been to recently.
  8. N3AB

    N3AB Subscriber QRZ Page

    I was at both the Harrisburg and the Wilkes-Barre hamfests. As expected, hamfests these days are much smaller than they were many years ago. But I was still very pleased with both fests. Kudos to Harrisburg for their excellent parking assistants. There was no way anyone could get lost in the parking areas.

    Wilkes-Barre was very good too. Lots of door prizes (no, I didn't win anything). They had one outside seller there with tons of parts, assorted in bins. Anything from knobs to antenna connectors, wire ties, miniature name it.

    Spent some $$$ at both hamfests and will be back to both next year, if the good Lord allows me.

    John N3AB
    W3ATV likes this.
  9. WC3A

    WC3A XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Wilkes Barre is in a new location. Not hard to find. Yes its smaller hen it used to be but what fest isn't.
    Still a good fest to go to. Nice to see old friends and meet new ones. I got a few things to round out my station.

    Dave, WC3A
  10. WA2AAR

    WA2AAR XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    when is this hamfest? This pass Sunday I went to Sussex NJ fest and it was a good one.
  11. WA2AAR

    WA2AAR XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    i look it up i miss it next year
    cant wait until Sellesville, PA in oct
    This one is a good one
  12. AB3TQ

    AB3TQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Harrisburg was on Saturday July 2nd and Wilkes Barre was on Sunday July 3rd

    Good to know we still have several good regional fests. Quite a a bit more local to me, the two Reading PA (Berks County) clubs are hosting fests in the next two months. At Sinking Spring on Saturday August 6th and Leesport (a new location for their Third Annual) on Sunday September 18th. While nowhere near the biggest in the region, it is worth the trip for us local hams. And that newest fest on my calendar, marking only its third year, showed growth in year number two - and I see no reason why there would not be even more growth at the new location for year number three.

    I hope all the local hams will support both fests.

    Glenn AB3TQ
  13. W3ATV

    W3ATV XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I was at Sussex this past weekend. The best that I have seen in the region all year. I have not been to Sellersville in years. It was never that big. It used to be at the firehouse- no where as big as Sussex. Maybe it grew. That would be awesome.
  14. WA8UEG

    WA8UEG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Sussex is the star hamfest of the area, Wilkes Barre is much smaller but still worth attending and seems to have vendors with realistic pricing and often downright steals. I think Wilkes Barre would do much better if it wasn't a week before Sussex.
  15. AB3TQ

    AB3TQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    A reminder that the Reading Radio Club (Berks County PA) is hosting its fest this Saturday August 6th in Sinking Spring. I hope the weather isn't an issue for them.

    Unfortunately the Berks Amateur Radio Club has cancelled their September fest.

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