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Why the ARRL Matters: Bob Inderbitzen NQ1R

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W1DED, Dec 19, 2023.

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  1. K5YDD

    K5YDD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Good Questions.
  2. WD4IGX

    WD4IGX Ham Member QRZ Page

    "Let's do something absolutely boneheaded, if not borderline illegal, to alienate and honk off a lot of our members, then put out some propaganda about how they need us anyway."

    Nope. Not buyin' it.
    AB2RA, K0IDT, KF5KWO and 3 others like this.
  3. K3XR

    K3XR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great points. I'm holding my breath waiting for a straight answer from a member(s) of the ARRL inter circle. Correction, I'm just waiting.
    WH6LU and (deleted member) like this.
  4. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    'What would HIRAM think?'

    That's a pretty good guide to asking if ARRL is on the right course. I happen to think the answer is 'yes'. But boy, dealing with the turns is better done, on some exits, than what we are seeing.

    Clearly others disagree.

    Folks, facts really guide us on these issues We may inflate opinion but let's always keep the eye on the facts.

    HNY to all,

    Chip W1YW
    N4FZ likes this.
  5. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page

    LMAO, Chipster. You've asked what the famous inventor of firearm silencers would think about recent Newington machinations. "Silence them!!! If you can't, I know how, and with what to do it with!!" His proclaimed message to any who would dare challenge the duumverate.
  6. K3XR

    K3XR Ham Member QRZ Page

    noun Any of various two-man executive boards in the Roman Republic.
    We all know what happened to the Romans.
    W6EM likes this.
  7. K1VWQ

    K1VWQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I pre-paid my ARRL membership until mid-year 2025. That purchase included and was promised a printed copy of QST. While I understand the need to go completely digital, I must say I am hugely disappointed that they are not honoring "The good will and spirit" of what was promised for pre-paid memberships. Including lifetime. (Which I am not). I will take a long look at my membership status in 2025, and will see if I continue it.
    WJ1MK, KO4NF and KE0GXN like this.
  8. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page


    I think the board is being pushed to honor the printed subs... see what happens in the next board meeting.

    The onerous 'Code of Conduct' conundrum is rearings its head again (W6EM take note). If you (the general 'you') want to pick a bone with the board, IMO this is the one to express membership opinion on, now.

    MO. Yours may differ.

    Chip W1YW
    W6EM, W5ESE and KO4NF like this.
  9. N1FM

    N1FM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Happy New Year Chip - can you elaborate on the latest code of conduct conundrum?
    K3XR likes this.
  10. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    According to K3RF, who has sent out a director's summary email to his section members, there is a new 'Code of Conduct' draft coming up for directors, which, to paraphrase, pushes the issues of ' judgement' to the Ethics Committee, rather than the board as a whole. He cautions that this *may* result in yet another 'transparency' crisis, as occurred in 2017 with N6AA. His opinion. Note he is a seasoned non pofit attorney, well schooled in such matters.

    The LANGUAGE and implications of 'conduct' decision and control are, according to Bob, problematic. There is nothing wrong with a 'conduct' document. It's what's in it.

    MO--the directors are REPRESENTATIVES of the membership, each in their respective sections. Transparency is essential to the membership. An Ethics Committee makes RECOMMENDATIONS based on clearly defined transgressions, if they exist.

    Transgressions are NOT a judgement call. Criteria for transgressions need to be enumerated, articulated and thus LIMITED IN SCOPE up front. MO.

    The board, as representatives, then acts on behalf of the membership. NOT a committee, NOT C-level management. MO.

    Boards can blah blah and masticate all they want in a meeting, but the --board--DECISIONS, and how they were arrived at, are MEMBERSHIP communications and essential facts for all. Not a committee. NOT management. Again, MO.

    The board meets 18 Jan I believe.

    Chip W1YW
  11. N1FM

    N1FM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Agreed. Here are relevant items and general items of interest from the July, 2023 meetings, that highlight the need for clear, transparent, and objective guidelines for decisions and actions:

    July 2023 Administration and Finance Committee Report (pdf)

    Money, Publishing, and Ham Activity

    • Five thousand + donors contributed just under $2 million.

    • A motion to create a program to encourage the use of 10m and 6m by Technicians and all Hams was approved and forwarded to the Board for its consideration.

    • The League’s investment portfolio had a decline of 9.8% after considering funds transferred to operations.

    • A Revenue Subcommittee has been exploring methods of returning to a positive net income, primarily by looking at new sources of revenue, as well as drawing new/untapped members/customers. One success has been with selling ARRL publications via Amazon. League publications are more prevalent on product searches and Amazon placed its largest order yet with the ARRL. The Subcommittee will continue to explore ways and means of increasing membership and revenue.

    Ethics and Elections Committee Mid-Year Report July 2023 (pdf)

    Ethics, Litigation, & Transparency Issues

    • Some pending issues and information gathering left over from 2022 surrounding conflicts of interest and fiduciary responsibilities of a Director were obviated by changes in circumstances. A third party was making legal threats against this Director, which necessitated gathering an understanding of potential legal entanglements. Several communications were initiated with this third party to understand the status of any potential litigation. The Chair discussed the implications of this matter with Connecticut Counsel.

    After the change in circumstances, the Chair met with Connecticut Counsel again to ascertain if there were any outstanding legal and / or financial liabilities to be considered.

    Documentation was transferred to attorneys at Murtha Cullina to assist in evaluating those potential liabilities. A timeline of actions and been compiled and internet postings have been archived, in case this becomes relevant again. An internal report on the matter will be compiled for the record.

    • E&E received a communication from the CEO regarding inappropriate interaction by a Director with HQ staff. The committee decided that this situation, while egregious, would only warrant further action if the behavior continued.

    • The CEO contacted E&E with a complaint that a Director was in possession of confidential financial information about ARRL that appeared on the internet, posted by another party outside the ARRL Board. A call was initiated with E&E, the CEO, and Connecticut Counsel to discuss the implications. It was made clear that dissemination of information deemed Confidential by the CEO is a violation of the fiduciary duty of care by Directors. Investigation of this matter is ongoing.

    • E&E met with the CEO and the 2022 E&E members to discuss whether the general disposition of past E&E matters are confidential, or whether they can be discussed outside the committees in certain circumstances. Such circumstances might include when the truth of a given matter was at stake. It was decided that this was very circumstantial and needed to be discussed on a case-by-case basis.
    KE0GXN likes this.
  12. WH6LU

    WH6LU XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    FACT #1
    If the arrl continues to push the code of conduct, all trust in the organization will be lost !!
    N9WFT, KE0GXN and K5YDD like this.
  13. NN3W

    NN3W Ham Member QRZ Page

    We did and basically every person who is an admitted member of a bar agrees that we did. Including BoD member N5AUS. You're not an attorney; they are. They all agree that there was a contract.
  14. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Here's Mr. Famiglio's statement, verbatim. All should read carefully. My jesting earlier appears to soon be reality.

    Seasons greetings to the members of ARRL Atlantic division. With the new
    year right around the corner, I wanted to give you a peek into some of
    the more weighty issues facing the League, and seek your feedback.

    Before we dive into 2024, please join me in congratulating Marty
    Pittinger, KB3MXM, for his election to the Atlantic division Vice
    Director position for a full 3-year term, beginning January 2024. I know
    Marty will continue to provide the excellent service to the League as he
    has done in the past. Also, let us thank his challenger Robert
    Weinstock, W3RQ, for stepping up to run for the seat. We are stronger
    when our members are actively engaged in the League.

    January 2024 Board of Directors Meeting

    The Board of Directors will have it’s first meeting, starting January
    18th. For your convenience, I have summarized, what I consider, some of
    the most significant motions to be presented at the meeting, with my
    insights and thoughts following. All director motions known thus far are
    posted on the front page of the Atlantic division web site. [ ] . I encourage you to review these documents and
    provide any questions and feedback to me prior to the meeting. An
    easier read PDF copy of this message is also on the Atlantic Division
    web front page.

    • Restore the balance of QST print magazine subscription for those who
    accepted the discount offer for 3-year renewal
    • Provide reduced membership fee for students

    • Impose a Code of Conduct on directors which is the equivalent of a
    loyalty, confidentiality and obedience pledge to the League, further
    limiting transparency for ARRL members

    My Thoughts

    QST Print Magazine Subscription - For those of you who accepted the
    discount offer for 3-year renewal, only to be subsequently denied the
    balance of your QST print magazine subscription, I have sponsored a
    motion to restore your rights to receive the magazine. I am uncertain if
    any board members, other than those who joined the motion, will support
    it. It is highly likely to be opposed by management. However, I think
    it’s the right thing to do.

    Reduced Membership Fee for Students - Another motion proposes to provide
    membership to certain students and young folks at a reduced cost -
    likely half the adult fee. I believe this has merit and would go a long
    way to attracting younger members to ARRL. I am certainly leaning toward
    voting in support of this, and would love to hear your thoughts.

    Code of Conduct - Finally, the most significant motion on the agenda is
    a newly proposed Code of Conduct, which I believe is the equivalent of a
    loyalty, confidentiality and obedience pledge to the League itself and
    not to the members that elect us. This is a rerun of the 2017 fiasco. It will further limit transparency for ARRL members
    , and seriously
    affect the way ARRL operates. I strongly oppose it and here’s why.

    I consider the proposed Code of Conduct to be the most intrusive change
    that I have seen in my 10+ years on the board. An onerous Code of
    Conduct was passed in 2017, which includes a gag order section. It was
    suspended in July 2017 based on overwhelming membership outrage. The new
    directors elected in 2019 repealed it after membership outrage sent
    incumbents packing in four divisions. Another group, choosing to ignore
    the membership uprising in 2017 and 2018 is again attempting to impose a
    Code of Conduct intending to punish those directors who do not fall in
    line with the majority. The new language offered is an attempt to
    appear beneficial to the members so as not to alarm us. Don’t be

    This new Code of Conduct puts directors at the whims of the appointed
    ethics committee, and allows directors to be censured and recused by the
    board by a simple majority vote of the other directors (e.g., 8 to 7
    vote) or dismissed from the board with a super majority vote (e.g.,10 to
    5 vote). Sounds reasonable. What’s not to like about rules and
    restrictions on directors that will impose ethics standards? Until you
    consider that there are no definitions of what constitutes objectionable
    behavior. It is purely subjective, opening the way for political
    maneuvering for control.

    In the past, criticism of management or the board has been frowned upon.
    This new move is an administrative tool meant to act as a gag order,
    suppressing dissension. I invite you to read the motion in full. Read it
    very carefully and let me know what you think. I intend to vote against
    it. If Atlantic division members feel strongly about I, tell me why as
    I want to know. It is unlikely I will sign the required statements
    limiting my rights to represent your interests.

    I believe that the ARRL exists for the members, not the other way
    around. As your representative, I intend to continue to express
    criticism when necessary to benefit ARRL members and Amateur Radio as a
    I have practiced non-profit corporate law since 1979, helping many radio
    clubs and other non-profits such as public-safety emergency response
    volunteers along the way. I have some significant concerns about the
    future of our League in this regard. Your League is a Membership
    Non-profit corporation, not a more common closed-board, appointed and
    replaced by internal director votes. The difference is significant under

    Directors have a fiduciary duty to represent the best interest of the
    members electing them while executing those duties with honestly and
    loyalty to the League’s mission in alignment with the best interest of
    its members. Your representatives must treat the members with respect
    and undertake loyalty to them, not to the League itself - indifferent to
    the legitimate interest of League members. This difference may seem
    subtle - it is not.

    Our League is not a private club nor a piggy bank for pursuing projects
    and matters that are clearly not in the best interest of the membership,
    and run at the whims of directors (who in their own words believe they
    are on a pedestal).
    This upcoming meeting promises to be contentious. If the new Code of
    Conduct passes, which I believe it will, directors and vice directors
    must sign the loyalty and obedience pledge immediately. The consequence
    of not doing so would be to resign or be thrown off the board. This
    motion would take the power to choose your director out of your hands
    and put it in the hands of an elite few. It was tried before.

    The proposed Code of Conduct is engineered to try to sidestep the
    protection the law provides for an elected director. It was drafted last
    summer but was postponed to avoid the fall elections. Last time this was
    tried, all 5 directors seats next up for election were contested, with 4
    out of 5 incumbent director seats changed.
    Historic for our ARRL.
    Nevertheless, I will NOT vote for this Code of Conduct unless I receive
    rational feedback from you as to why this proposed Draconian code is a
    good idea for our members.
    Some of the motions passed in July 2023 were a mere lead up to this Code
    of Conduct. As with this new motion, the ones passed in July were
    drafted to appear mundane. Their effect was to increase the power of
    the management, to raise the level of board confidentiality, and
    decrease transparency to the members. The CEO was granted power to
    increase confidentiality as he sees fit, denying information to some
    directors suspected of leaking information to members. Role call votes
    were made harder to require, hiding who voted for what. Why?

    I cannot answer many of the questions you have asked me or reveal things
    you need to know even though you essentially own your League. For
    example, I am not permitted to send you ARRL’s financial statements as
    some of you skilled in such matters requested. They are marked
    confidential and, while that is legal, in my view it is unethical.
    Unless the board of directors were to vote to provide that sunshine,
    which they have thus far been against, it will not happen. The IRS 990
    tax return is not the same as financial statements, but it is all you
    can find. It discloses no useful details.

    I know this was a long missive. Thank you for reading to the end. It is
    a reflection of my passion around these issues. Once again, I urge you
    to review the full text of these documents (posted on the front page of
    the Atlantic division web site. (
    . I am available to
    answer your questions and invite your opinions and insights. I regard
    myself as your representative, elected to do your will. After the next
    meeting I may not be. Please provide me with your feedback before the
    January meeting so that I may properly and fully represent you.

    As always, 73 and I will see you on the radio.

    Bob Famiglio, K3RF
    ARRL Atlantic Division director
    N9WFT, KE0GXN, W5ESE and 1 other person like this.
  15. N9WFT

    N9WFT Ham Member QRZ Page


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