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The Radio Better Than a Baofeng

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by VK7HH, Apr 8, 2023.

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  1. KN6VYP

    KN6VYP Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sooo, now that I've had two for several days, I have a few things to share. They do TX 4+ watts into a dummy load on VHF & UHF, but null on 1.25 meters using a small digital Surecom SW-33 PLUS; even though another radio in the room receives a momentary dead key. I'm still hoping it's only a limitation of the $40 power meter. The antenna is garbage with SWRs of 4.5-infinty. I refrained from further testing until I receive some 15" whips that I'll trim tune. The 701 copy is by far the worst antenna of any included with an HT. At it's lowest SWR it's reflecting 80%, which is terrible for TX and finals. No big problem there though as I test every antenna prior to using it. Only my TYT UV8000D came with antennas that can be used on VHF & UHF, with SWRs below 2:1. I discovered that buying the $2 dual or single band 15" whips (the 771 copies) on Aliexpress and trimming with a cable cutter that I can get 1.01-1.2:1 on the frequency desired to maximize TX power. IMHO Hayden, that first harmonic is negligible and way better than the Baofeng splatter boxes so many use (UV-18 being the worst yet). I think that what this radio offers for $11 is by far more than any $40 Baofeng that also needs a better antenna. The point is I'll have two HTs that TX all 4+ watts on ham bands for $30+/- plus I can RX way wide.
  2. IW2BSF

    IW2BSF Ham Member QRZ Page

    KN6VYP ??? sorry but antenna to say that it has 4.5 SWR how did you try it?

    Obviously it is not a Japanese Kenwood radio, ICOM or Yaesu from a minimum of 400 euro or over !

    It is an SDR Based radio only 20 - 40 dollars and therefore it must be expected for this low price, hi hi!

    In any case, it is much better than a classic UV-5R Baofeng and there are many who are experiencing very interesting FW moddeds ...

    The internal chip is a Berken from 18 to 1,300 MHz!

  3. IW2BSF

    IW2BSF Ham Member QRZ Page

  4. IW2BSF

    IW2BSF Ham Member QRZ Page

    NEWS !!!!

    Waiting for the new Quensheng .... with color display,
    it seems ready shortly ....

    Let's be satisfied with the color welcome screen in COLOURs on my Anytone, hi hi


    anytone vs K6.jpg
    PD0JBV likes this.
  5. IW2BSF

    IW2BSF Ham Member QRZ Page

    RX on 80 meter band in SSB .....

    x - 80 metri.jpg
    PD0JBV likes this.
  6. IW2BSF

    IW2BSF Ham Member QRZ Page

  7. W9WQA/SK2024

    W9WQA/SK2024 Ham Member QRZ Page

    w o w
    wall of words, cant read
  8. K6LPM

    K6LPM Ham Member QRZ Page

    It appears to be another corrupt "problem" scofflaw hacker RF device being marketed under the guise of being a "ham" radio.
    It's mainly the marketing as "ham" radio that bothers me...
    Let's just call it another RF hacking device or even Hacker RF device.
    I don't have problem with experimental hack radios and I rather love open source projects that target new firmware replacement to produce new widgets and features. I can even endorse and even find myself to highly desire tech capable devices that have strong universal nefarious tool usefulness. Truth be told, I am fascinated by technical underground black market technical gadgets of dubious legitimate or ethical usefulness.
    BUT PLEASE DONT JUDGE AMATEUR RADIO or USE AMATEUR RADIO AS AN EXCUSE to grey market unethical, unlicensed, unauthorized, bootlegged, illegal electronic products.
    If you are going to pirate radio , steal satellite, clone cellular service. eavesdrop, spy or espionage or any other unethical or scofflaw behaviour, please dont bring the heat down on or tarnish the amateur radio community. If you are profiting from using ham radio as your scapegoat or free ticket to cut corners and market something prohibited than I can't express the words I have for you in this forum!
    Let's call things what they really are,,, this is a problem bootleg radio designed for universal outbound operation.
    It would not surprise me in the least bit that the manufacturer has fully supported the widespread open sourced development of unauthorized firmware. Very much like the FTA satellite manufacturers did with their set top boxes .
  9. K6LPM

    K6LPM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Huh? If you need glasses, you can always increase the font size,,, or you have reading comprehension, you can utilize text to speech like my dyslexic nephew does with using Google app. No need to suffer or be embarrassed about. You'd be surprised by the numbers of people world wide that have one form or another of illiteracy!
  10. K6LPM

    K6LPM Ham Member QRZ Page

  11. W9WQA/SK2024

    W9WQA/SK2024 Ham Member QRZ Page


    OTE="K6LPM, post: 6720182, member: 762721"]Huh? If you need glasses, you can always increase the font size,,, or you have reading comprehension, you can utilize text to speech like my dyslexic nephew does with using Google app. No need to suffer or be embarrassed about. You'd be surprised by the numbers of people world wide that have one form or another of illiteracy![/QUOTE]

    att times i copy/paste into a text file and break up into pieces and repost !! so others can read. one giant paragraph is a mess...
    K6LPM likes this.
  12. IW2BSF

    IW2BSF Ham Member QRZ Page

    SSB video :

  13. IW2BSF

    IW2BSF Ham Member QRZ Page

    very nice receiving on AIR BAND in AM :

    WD5GWY likes this.
  14. N8FF

    N8FF Ham Member QRZ Page

    I see that there is a K5 and a K6 version. Which is thee better version? I would assume the K6 but could be wrong.
  15. IW2BSF

    IW2BSF Ham Member QRZ Page

    the same radio , same HW and SW .... change the external look , ok ? 73
    N8FF likes this.

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