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Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by N3WVB, Feb 28, 2024.

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  1. N3WVB

    N3WVB Ham Member QRZ Page

    I continue to be amazed at the number of hams who do not know or believe The QRZ LOG BOOK IS FREE. Not only is it FREE it is CONVENIENT, INSTANTANEOUS AND SAVES YOU MONEY !!!

    Convenience .... You simply log your contact and have it entered into multiple categories automatically. Acquiring AWARDS is so much easier.
    DX 1OO
    EUROPEAN, ASIAN, ASIA,OCEANIA and SOUTH AMERICAN COUNTRIES all categorized for you instantaneously

    Instantaneously...... If you have been in HAM RADIO for decades you remember the days of waiting for QSL cards to arrive in the mail. Many due to the postage system were damaged and took forever to be delivered if ever. Today it takes seconds.

    YOU SAVE MONEY..... No longer spend money printing , sending or confirming QSL's it is done automatically for you. Old timers remember the days when you had to take your QSL's to an independent party so he could count and verify your eligibility for an award. The time and travel to get this done was insane. Today QRZ does it for you an NO COST.

    If I haven't been clear ....
    Let me put it this way. Get the FREE QRZ LOG BOOK.
    Make Ham Radio More Exciting For You and Your Fellow Hams By Confirming All Contacts.


    N7VKH, K0UO, N3ZKI and 3 others like this.
  2. N3WVB

    N3WVB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Contest Stations Contest Stations Contest Stations

    I have to say I see a lot of frustration this year , more than previous years
    Some almost screaming into the microphone for contacts
    My humble observation
    You expect stations who may not be playing in the contest to reply to you
    No matter where you are
    A rare island or country or a routine country heard and worked frequently
    But once again when contact is made fulfilling your goal or need
    Conformation for the station helping you is not granted
    I have pulled up so many of the so called contest stations and most do not use The QRZ Log Book
    As previously stated by me
    The QRZ Log Book is Top Priority for my Station
    So as I turn the dial hearing you call CQ CONTEST
    I pull your call up on QRZ
    No Log Book No Contact
    For me it is a two way street just giving you my humble opinion
    No Log Book No Contact
    Sounds Simple To Me

    K4NAL, WV8JL, 2E0HZH and 1 other person like this.
  3. N3ZKI

    N3ZKI Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I love the QRZ logbook. Ham radio deluxe seamlessly uploads to it in real time. I couldn’t care less about actual confirmations or awards….I know who I talked to but QRZ really does make it stupid simple. It seems like a no brainer if you like to DX.
    KD0XL, KC9YGN, NA1S and 1 other person like this.
  4. N3WVB

    N3WVB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Have to agree
    The QRZ Log Book makes it enjoyable and easy for all to use.
    To me it is a staple of my shack like the transceiver and microphone.
  5. N3LHQ

    N3LHQ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    It's not just the log book! The distance to and witch direction info that helps. It has been a Geography Lesson in finding place I did not know exists! Where to point your beam and how far determines how well the station setup works.
    KF0FBK, K0UO and N3WVB like this.
  6. N3WVB

    N3WVB Ham Member QRZ Page


    Thank You for pointing out the advantages of using The Free QRZ Log Book Bill

  7. N3LHQ

    N3LHQ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    In the top right corner there's settings, you can tailor the page on what you wish to view, and how many lines per page. I need a Shaq printer (tank not cartage refill!) I have 80 pages of log in portrait style. There are times QRZ goes down for upgrades, Maintenace or if the Internet gets busy. As old contacts become members, I get busy reviewing pages to confirm contact. I log in EVERYONE , member or not just for that!
  8. KL7KN

    KL7KN Ham Member QRZ Page

    On the other hand, while the service is free - H/T to the folks that run - however, many of us eschew contests, not a contest contests, 'awards' and wallpaper in general. If that is your thing, great. Not for everybody.
    So, no need for using the logbook.
    KC3EWA likes this.
  9. N3WVB

    N3WVB Ham Member QRZ Page

    No need for you is completely understood. The purpose of this post is to show others the features of The QRZ LOGBOOK . So they become well informed of its potential and are able to make their own decision.
    K4SAX and KL7KN like this.
  10. K0UO

    K0UO Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I quit using all other log books quite some time ago. The best part is, if you're traveling it's web-enabled so you have it available everywhere.

    QRZ is easy and frer, we're going to look up the call sign anyway, so why not just use it for confirmation.
    The confirmation rates are getting much better the last few years also on QRZ log book, so there are many others now using it.

    73 from,
    The K0UO " Rhombic Antenna Farm" miles of wire in the Air & On the AIR daily
    N7VKH and N3WVB like this.
  11. N3WVB

    N3WVB Ham Member QRZ Page

    K0UO... Thank you for the input .... it is appreciated
    K0UO likes this.
  12. WB9YZU

    WB9YZU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Cool info Charles!

    adding into...
    QSL logging is available for free to upload and receive confirmations.
    To download your log from QRZ in ADIF format, you need to be a paying member.

    I use QRZ logbook, and eQSL. Both are double blind setups.
    No issue with either, and no certificates or any other hokey pokey like LOTW.

    I do not contest, but some folks I work do, so I upload as a courtesy.
    Also I do enjoy seeing that some station I worked acknowledged the contact via QRZ.
    As QSL cards are just about hen's teeth, and DX postage is not cheap, I enjoy seeing some acknowledgment of the QSO.
    I figure it works the other way around also :)

    FWIW, You don't need any fancy software to take advantage of QRZ.
    You can either enter the data manually...
    The Logbook will take a comma delineated .csv file as long as the data meets the ADIF specification.

    And if you really want to get fancy, you can ad a link to your Profile and have your latest logbook entries shown there also.
    N3WVB likes this.
  13. N3WVB

    N3WVB Ham Member QRZ Page


    Thank you so very much for the very informative and
    accurate information of The Free QRZ Log Book.
    Honestly for me it is a no brainer!!!
    QRZ .... The World's #1 Ham Server
    Yet so many are not taking advantage of this amazing FREE tool .
    I know it is like Beating A Dead Horse To Death
    For me it is important to get the word out to anyone who may not understand the benefits
    provided by the QRZ Log Book.
    Having people like you speaking about the benefits which are numerous brings more
    credibility to the discussion.
    New Hams......
    To me this post is a must read
    If the readers of this post know a new Ham or perhaps someone not using the many
    FREE Benefits of QRZ please forward this post to them



  14. N3WVB

    N3WVB Ham Member QRZ Page




    KQ4PCR, M6ECG, W4SPT and 1 other person like this.
  15. M6ECG

    M6ECG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I operate almost exclusively /P and I started logging in real time while out and about, it saves a huge amount of time transcribing it from my paper log! I have used eQSL but, Im not that enamoured with it, is it possible to use QRZ.coms logbook to email out my QSL card automatically? If so how do I do that? Thanks for any help!
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2024
    N3WVB likes this.

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