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South Carolina Hams fight to amend homeowner association restrictions

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KD5W, Mar 1, 2024.

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  1. KD7BMX

    KD7BMX XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    You couldn't pay me enough to live somewhere where my neighbors think they have as much of a right to control my property as I do. As far as I'm concerned, HOA's lower property values to zero. Now, I realize that some people love communist ways, and think it's great. More power to them; actually less -- power to the neighbors!
    K0UO and KE6UVW like this.
  2. W3SLK

    W3SLK Ham Member QRZ Page

    KD7BMX said:
    I don't like them anymore than you do. But I do understand the reason for their existence. Joe Blow builds a 'melti-million dollar' (a tip of the hat to my old 1stPO Ernie Gallipeau!), estate and Brad Redneck comes along and wants his 'auto engine exchange' exercises in his yard and lowers the value of Joe's place by doing so. I think there is some common ground that can be reached with hams. But finding an HOA that is 'ham-friendly' is the key. The problem is with the old adage: "Power corrupts, absolute power absolutely corrupts!"
  3. KE6UVW

    KE6UVW Ham Member QRZ Page

    How about getting rid of HOAs all together, they do nothing but destroy property rights and quality of life.
  4. KE6UVW

    KE6UVW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Don't find a ham friendly HOA just live in a good neighborhood without an HOA or live out on acreage in the country. There is no need to live in an HOA and the highest property values in the US are NOT in HOAs so the whole idea that HOAs support property values is unsubstantiated by evidence. HOAs are microcosms of fascism, all they do is given license to narcissistic Karens to micromanage you.
  5. W2AAT

    W2AAT XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    It would be good if you post on the forum the publication(s) that discusses HOA home values vs the Non-HOA home values. It would be good to have some empirical data for future discussion on this subject.
  6. KL7KN

    KL7KN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Dunno about your experience with HOAs. I don't live in one. So...ya know, no dog in that tussle.

    My daughter has a management company that does manage HOAs. She does ok for herself. She also has to deal with the incessant, ongoing internecine warfare that seems to plague some HOAs. (shakes head)
    My condolences if you dislike your HOA.
  7. K0TWA

    K0TWA Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    You took the words right out of my mouth!
  8. AI8O

    AI8O XML Subscriber QRZ Page

  9. AI8O

    AI8O XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    The trouble is that very few subdivisions are built now a days without an HOA.
    Effectively you are forced by market constraints to buy in an HOA.

    Plus local governments like them, because they can push street and other maintenance costs off on the HOA.
  10. W0RUS

    W0RUS Ham Member QRZ Page

    I live in a very restrictive HOA community, which is also 55 plus. However they do allow antennas for the reception of T.V. and broadcast radio. In addition they allow for amateur radio antennas.

    When I showed up for the HOA meeting with my Hustler 5BTV, all they ask was that I properly ground and install in the back yard and do my best to minimize it's presents.

    I would suggest that even if your HOA restricts antenna's, attend a meeting and educate on the fact you would be an asset for communications in times of emergencies. Also choose an antenna with a minimum footprint. My vertical in the back yard can not be seen from the street, and my back yard neighbor can not see it due to a tree between him and I.

    So work with your people and give it a try.
  11. AH7I

    AH7I Ham Member QRZ Page

    A city does not want neighborhood ordinance enforcement wars.
    If the majority of neighbors are out of compliance and many will face $10k to $100k+ expenses to comply, the enforcement office is not going to go overboard to force 100% compliance on one eccentric neighbor. I imagine a HOA that has been lax with enforcement will find itself in a similar position and might be the best place to buy, given no other options.

    I looked at nice rural 15 acre property. Room for towers, a big barn, and some small scale livestock. It was part of a HOA that consisted mainly of 1-2 acre properties. It was attractive because the price was much lower than unrestricted property. It was not attractive because livestock and outbuildings were forbidden by the HOA. I did not purchase. It finally sold, at a price well below similar unrestricted properties in the county.
  12. WY6K

    WY6K Ham Member QRZ Page

    And now... an evil HOA President has pulled a gun on kids...

    Florida HOA president pulls gun on 3 kids fishing at lake before throwing tackle into woods: court docs

    (from Fox News)

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