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Show only earned awards on secondary call sign pages

Discussion in 'QRZ Site Community Help Center' started by N3JWJ, Sep 15, 2023.

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  1. N3JWJ

    N3JWJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    The display of awards appears to be either on or off for my primary and all secondary call signs. Is there a way for all awards earned by N3JWJ to show up on that page and only the awards earned by SV9/N3JWJ to show up on that page?
  2. K8VHL

    K8VHL Platinum Subscriber Volunteer Moderator Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    QRZ Operating Awards are earned by the individual operator rather than the callsign(s) involved.
    You could of course manually list the awards earned by the operator using a particular callsign only in that callsign's Biography section.
  3. N3JWJ

    N3JWJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    So I don't understand why QRZ allows me to select a secondary call sign as the call sign for an award, but lumps them all together for display.
    Congratulations! QRZ Staff has approved your request for the 30 Years of QRZ for the callsign: SV9/N3JWJ using the following logbooks:
    SV9/N3JWJ Logbook (SV9/N3JWJ)
    Your award badges now appear under the "Awards" tab on your biography page!
    I was hoping I was missing something, but apparently not.

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