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Second callsign for mobile, qso not listed

Discussion in 'QRZ Site Community Help Center' started by DK5IG, Aug 31, 2024.

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  1. DK5IG

    DK5IG Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hello, i have the following problem. I have my logbook dk5ig and now i use at ft8 dk5ig when i am at home and dk5ig/m when i am in my car.

    If i transfer the .adi file, i can only see the qsos from dk5ig. I thought i have to add a second callsign for dk5ig/m and did so. but these qsos are not listed. What is the error?
  2. KP4SX

    KP4SX Ham Member QRZ Page

    DK5IG calls ONLY go in the DK5IG logbook. DK5IG/M calls go only in the DK5IG/M book.
    The ADIF must have the correct call and you must select the correct logbook. They will not parse automatically.
  3. DK5IG

    DK5IG Ham Member QRZ Page

    ok thank you.

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