ad: ProAudio-1 announces a new Repeater Directory app for the iPhone

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KD6KPC, Apr 8, 2013.

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  1. KD6KPC

    KD6KPC XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    The World's Free Repeater Apps now available for iPhone and Android
    The Free Repeater Directory App for USA, Canada, and Mexico.
    RepeaterBook enables you to easily find repeaters across the USA, Canada, and Mexico for free, and without a network connection.
    RepeaterBook mobile apps are powered by the popular community database of and software of
    Just search for RepeaterBook in the Apple App Store or Google Play

    • More than 16,000 repeaters listed
    • No network connection required
    • Use network, GPS or a grid square to find Repeaters
    • Displays your grid
    • Comprehensive selection and sorting options
    • Displays distance, heading and full repeater details
    • Fast and flexible, designed to help you use the repeater network
    • Easily submit updates and additions from within the app
    • Support for English, French Canadian and Spanish (Android version)
    • Supports BlueCAT - FT-857 / FT-817 Bluetooth CAT interface?- Touch a repeater to instantly set your radio. (Android version)
    For our friends outside North America we have our other popular directory apps:

    • Repeater Locator - for iPhone, iPad, and iPod
    • Repeater - for Android
    Our Repeater apps will always be free.
    Garrett KD6KPC and Nicolas M1HOG and
  2. W3TWG

    W3TWG Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have been using this app on my Galaxy S3 for a number of months, it has been quite usefull.
  3. KJ6OJL

    KJ6OJL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you for this app!!
    Going to download this now, this is something I have been looking for for some time now!
    quick on the fly new city state ect and a quick way to find local repeaters.
    My year just got a little better!
  4. K5VLA

    K5VLA Ham Member QRZ Page

    You may want to change the title of this thread to include Android. So many commercial developed apps are made for iphone with no attempt to include Android. Us Android users are used to seeing this so we just skip over headlines that only mention iphone. Which is exactly what I did until just now. I was curious to see what the app looked like so I clicked the thread and was surprised to see that it was available on Android. I downloaded it right away and it is really great!
  5. KA7RRA

    KA7RRA Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    What is the name of the APP? I have a ANDROID
  6. K8ERV

    K8ERV QRZ Member QRZ Page

    I don't have an Android.

    I are one.

    TOM K8ERV Montrose Colo
  7. M1HOG

    M1HOG Ham Member QRZ Page

    The Android version is also called RepeaterBook. Sorry for any confusion.
  8. KK4CUL

    KK4CUL Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have been using this app since it barely had any reviews last year. It's simple, the right options you need, FREE, uses GPS to know your location, and the best part is it auto updates the lists!

    Great work, I don't know why anyone would want a different app.
  9. K8ERV

    K8ERV QRZ Member QRZ Page

    The best/current site I have seen. Thanks!

    Minor point: When I click on a city I get a Parse Error Line 120. ???

    TOM K8ERV Montrose Colo
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2013
  10. WB4RHQ

    WB4RHQ Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Totally useless. Only a very few of the local repeaters listed - none of which I use.
  11. WA2VFK

    WA2VFK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Just added it to iPad....This is GREAT. Thanks
  12. K3GAU

    K3GAU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Just downloaded the app for android. Interesting!
    It does seemed to have totalled missed the four D-Star repeaters in the Dayton Ohio area!! W8HEQ on both 2 and 70 cm. and W8RTL on both 2 and 70 cm. Both sets of repeaters have been on for at least several years.

    Otherwise, thanks for the app. It should come in very handy while travelling. :)

    Dave K3GAU
  13. KF2I

    KF2I Ham Member QRZ Page

    Not showing anything on my iPhone for some reason... picks up my grid as FN32AT, but shows no repeaters... even with distance set to 200 miles.
  14. M1HOG

    M1HOG Ham Member QRZ Page

    First thing to check, you will need the RepeaterBook application for North America (Red icon). Repeater Locator (Green icon) is for countries outside North America.
    FN32AT with 2 and 70 FM selected shows 48 repeaters within 50 miles.

    Sorry for any confusion.

    Nicolas - M1HOG
  15. AA0CW

    AA0CW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Installed on my Verizon LG Spectrum 2, works great!
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