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Repairing a tower on Floridas mountain - Sugarloaf Bluff

Discussion in 'Videos and Podcasts' started by KJ4TLB, Nov 29, 2017.

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  1. KJ4TLB

    KJ4TLB Ham Member QRZ Page

    We don't have many mountains in Florida, if you'd call them that. Its pretty much flat except for this small region in Central Florida where the 222 repeater sustained heavy damage from hurricane Irma. So we went out to do all of the necessary repairs.

    Enjoy the video.

    KM4MIS likes this.
  2. K5JM

    K5JM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Does this repeater have an irlp/echo or Allstar connection ? Always happy to chat with other 220 MHz hams. Thanks for sharing your video on the repairs !
  3. WB2WIK

    WB2WIK Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Quite a mountain, I've been there. 312' asl or something.:)

    My 2m repeater used to be here:

    2830' elevation at the base of the towers.

    This one's a bit higher and 5 miles from my home:

    3747' elevation at the base of the towers.

    Lots of ham repeaters at this site, 25 miles from me:

    That's a cute "home movie" exploring some of the tower sites on Mt. Wilson, elevation 5710' at the base of the towers.

    Florida: Grow some mountains.:):p
  4. K5JM

    K5JM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Oh very cool ..thanks for sharing. A friend of mine use to say the only hills in Florida were usually trash dumps ! Lol.

    Cool to see some actual terrain in that state ..had no idea. I've been through central and southern Florida several times and never saw anything more than a highway overpass. Good luck with the repeater ! 73...
  5. WB2WIK

    WB2WIK Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    The "mountain" (which is really a small hill) is in northern FL, up in the panhandle area...been there as we drove between JAX and PNS several times on's close to I-10.
    K5JM likes this.
  6. K1AC

    K1AC Ham Member QRZ Page

    I didn't realize how close this is to my house! I live in Winter Garden, south of 50, near Stoneybrooke West. Is this the KR4Q repeater? If so I just tried calling it tonight for my first time on my Kenwood TH-D74!
  7. KJ4TLB

    KJ4TLB Ham Member QRZ Page

    They just call it the 222, I realize a station name or freq in the video might have been helpful, ironically, I dont use that frequency, so i didnt bother asking

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