Hello, when a station adds the /p for portable to the callsign, the grid is removed in the logbook- when I search for the call XY1XY/p it forwards me to webpage of the main callsign XY1XY. Here the grid is shown (user supplied for the main QTH) - the portable station uses the logbook of the main callsign. My problem: I have callsigns like ON/XY1XY - when I add the '/p' , behavior like above. Now my callsign ON/XY1XY has it's own webpage and own logbook. I use several QTHs. What now happens is- QRZ.com assignes the default locator for a country. When I use in the settings the option 'Map, Grid and Coordinate Options', click in the dropdown menu 'No map, no location, no grid', remove the current grid and coordinates, the system changes the settings to grid AA00aa and the coordinates to NaN. After saving, and open main webpage, there is a little surprise. I thought, I now have the same like a /p station- no grid assigned- or even better- every station I have had a QSO with, would get the grid of the time of the QSO from my logbook in theire logbook. BUT-in the details page I have now a distance of 9,700 miles and 15,000 miles longpath. Going back to the options page, I now find in the settings the coordinates Lat -89.979167 Lon -179.958333. Does this make any sense? My question is- when I choose to remove the grid- why can't the grid be assigned for every QSO from the logbook/adif file- or even leave blank? It's annoying, that I have in my logbook the correct grid- but the station, I was in QSO with, has another grid (the default grid for the county- for Belgium this is near the capital city Brussels) in theire logbook. I guess, this behavior is also responsible for the feature, that QRZ.com award page does not count several QSOs. (Yes- the grid award). 'Why are these not eligible? The grid that you have entered does not match the grid that the other party has entered. To resolve this issue, you will need to determine which party entered the incorrect information. From that point you can either edit your QSO in the QRZ Logbook to correct the grid, or contact the other party and request that they correct it on their end. I didn't enter any grid- it was assigned. And because, sometimes only the default grid was assigned- special stations are using own webpage/logbook (like me)- I can only see on the details page the (wrong) grid I allready got written in my logbook. I can only get the right grid for my logbook, when I ask every QSO partner for the used grid. Can someone point me to the right direction, to get this fixed for my PD/XY1XY ... callsigns? Or in short- how to get rid of the grid? Thank you Dieter