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QRZ Warned by the FCC

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, Jul 10, 2008.

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  1. N8YX

    N8YX Ham Member QRZ Page

    For starters, a '2950 is a piece of garbage (verified in ARRL labs) and is targeted solely at the "freebander". An IC-718, on the other hand, is not.
  2. KI4SKY

    KI4SKY XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    QRZed , as referred to ! A website for the amature radio community WORLD WIDE , where world wide radio operators meet to cuss & discuss HAM Radio issues & sell HAM Radios & accessories , NOT freeband radios as the FCC declares them .It is elligal to buy , sale , or trade such freeband radios , yes/no ? YES , do not allow them on QRZ please . What e-bay does is of no concern to QRZ , let QRZ keep up it's high standard of HAM Radio Operators and the sale , swap , or buying of HAM Equipment . We must stand together as HAM Operators and support QRZ as members , & so in closing , please only allow the trafficing of LEGAL HAM Equipment .
    Thank You & 73's ,

    BY the way , I lost lots of my fellow MARINES in Vietnam in '67 because of the AR-15/m-16

    SEMPER FI , Till I DIE
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2010
  3. KA2MXH

    KA2MXH Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    to answer the question put to us

    For all the 468 post above, I've found few to answer the question put to us by AA7BQ.

    Well, The FCC can regulate what we legally own, or have in our possession, when it pertains to any piece of equipment that can transmit or receive over wire, cable and air. AM/FM/CB/HAM/Microwave/Cable TV, etc.

    However, doesn't own or possess any of the items that are the subject of this topic. We agree, is a site that allows members to buy, sell, trade and swap like equipment, related to Amateur Radio, and more.

    How much different is this site than the sites that offer 'illegal' equipment of every make and model, that have no FCC interference and have been 'marketing' these items on the Internet for over ten years or more.

    It seems to me, there is a memo going around the FCC offices, to give priority to people who complain. It's always the squeaky wheel that gets the oil. Someone looking for a little attention. Someone who probably has never had a position of authority. Someone who must break something in order to feel equal or superior. As if we don't have enough problems in the world today.

    Thank you, Fred. For giving us the opportunity to comment.

  4. N9WWR

    N9WWR Ham Member QRZ Page

    My Kenwood TS-140s works very thank you and if you know anything about the MARS freqs a 2970 does not cover what is needed or required by MARS. In your mind it may be apples and oranges but not mine.
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  5. W5QI

    W5QI Guest

    How true the above is... We, Americans, are so PC that it is going to destroy us..

    In all Socialist and communist countries, the tattle tales are the grand people. In my book, a tattle tail should be illegally sold to the Jihads for target practice..

    We need to take America back, it is for the citizens, not the law makers who are on the take for big bucks..

    Our Govt is growing bigger and bigger by the minute..

    By the way folks... Lets take a Icom 765... A grand radio of the past, and still one of the best... One diode cut and it will transmit all frequencies.. Then it also has 100 memories, So you can put in 40 channels of cb frequencies and now you have a channelized 100 watt SSB/50 watt AM radio that will transmit and receive the CB band... Why is it not on the banned list ?? And many other radios are just one diode away from operating outside the US Amateur Bands.

    So if I took one of these illegal CB radios, and cut out all the parts, all the diodes, resistors, caps, IC's, IF transformers etc etc and put them in a box and went to a HAMFEST and set up a sign saying "Used Parts for Sale" would that be legal ??? What if I advertised, "Used Parts from old illegal radios for sale". Would that be legal ??

    America and all ten trillion laws on the books and we wonder why we have the highest percentage of population in jail or prison ?? We are becoming the nation of idiots... The Congress now controls themselves, decides how much money they make.. Lost something here, originally they were working for you and I, and we decided how much to pay them...

    I am 72 years old and I grew up and lived in a wonderful country called America.. It was one of the most respected countries in the world...

    Now we are not much beyond a 3rd world country with govt that has us in several trillion dollars worth of debt.. I think each of the govt employees should pay us citizens back..

    OH, I get uptight at times

    73 and have a wonderful day

    de W5QI :(
  6. W9BTI

    W9BTI Ham Member QRZ Page

    Why would any member of this forum think they are FCC agents and turn in the same forum they belong to. I say if they want to be a FCC agent, go and apply for the job but ban them from this forum if they are going to be a snitch.
  7. KB8JNE

    KB8JNE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yeah, I top post - get over it!
    On the points below, as we saw in the excerpt of the law earlier in the thread, it is illegal to bring such radios as are on the list into the country, importation. Well, if you can't import it, it is here illegally and the owner is the end of that illegal import chain.

    The laws are the laws. If you don't like the laws, work to change them but just because you don't like them does not give you the right to live outside of them. The laws still apply to everyone even if they think it wasn't meant for them. It applies to you and me and Fred and QRZ as an entity. If he allows postings of the FCC recognized illegal imports, he is furthering that importation chain and a party to the sale of something that is illegally in this country. I say ban them and be done with it and if you don't like it work to get those removed or others added or whatever. Frankly I have always seen this as a good thing. How many of us want to get on 10m only to be splattered by some cheap messed up rig that spits out 20K of crap all over the band, or find someone using a "lin-year" that has no filtering? Not me. That doesn't help any of us.

    I have yet to see a valid argument in this or other threads legitimizing the sale or helping aide in the sale of FCC recognized illegal imports. And frankly, I do turn in ads I run across for "heaters" and "pill" boxes for 11 meters all the time on eBay and anywhere else. No, this one wasn't me but I could see how I might have done the same thing. The party does not need banned for doing something that leads to a correct action by the FCC. So far it has all been friendly but if the FCC comes down on the board, I'm betting the ads will go away, and the board will stay.


  8. KB8JNE

    KB8JNE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Which is likely exactly why QRZ is in the spotlight and not the guy that owns it. QRZ would become a marketing agent for these radios. To quote you, facilitating the offering for sale and/or lease...


  9. AK4FM

    AK4FM Ham Member QRZ Page

    What is and isn't legal?

    Makes me wonder where we stand in the world of radio. It was my understanding that amateurs were allowed to operate any equipment available to them, whether it be a brand spanking new ICOM or Kenwood, or a Motorola HT or mobile converted from another service, as long as we were within our operating frequencies, emission and power. Recently, I had contact with the commission about such an issue. I've recently been bitten by the radar bug. More specifically, the K band (24Ghz flavor). According to Part 97, as a Tech license holder, I have priviledges on this band. They are deemed co-secondary, but priviledges nontheless. However, I was unable to get anywhere near a YES or a NO. I emailed them and got a definite response. Here it is....

    Thank you for contacting the FCC Consumer Center.

    Part 97 is not written in terms of particular pieces of equipment and whether or not they may be used as amateur station transmitters. Rather, Part 97 specifies the standards an amateur station must comply with when it transmits. There is no statement on the website that addresses whether any particular piece of equipment may or may not be used at an amateur station, other than equipment authorization information in the OET database.

    Whether an amateur radio operator builds equipment, modifies equipment, or uses equipment from another service is not of concern to the Commission as long as the emissions from the station comply with the rules.

    Review the technical information available on the equipment, determine the amateur rules that apply to the frequencies the transmitter transmits on, and the other applicable rules such as the secondary status, etc., and make sure that if you use equipment, you can operate them in compliance with the rules.

    Section 97.103(a) and Section 97.107(a) must be complied with, as well as Section 97.119-station identification.

    Obviously you would have to ensure that use of the equipment would not cause interference to other authorized users of the frequencies.

    As for "experimentation for personal research into the effects of microwave energy exposure," if you are using lab animals such as rodents - good lab procedure would probably be to conduct the experiments inside a cage or chamber in which all the energy would be contained and not leak.

    Representative Number : TSR41

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