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QRZ User lookup data through API: No logbook

Discussion in 'QRZ Site Community Help Center' started by CE3FJK, May 7, 2023.

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  1. CE3FJK

    CE3FJK Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I've been trying to work specific stations which I've found TO BE in QRZ but they DO NOT have a logbook, therefore they wont confirm any qrz contacts.

    is there any way using the API or other method to get whether or not the user being looked up has logbook?

    The ADI standard which is mostly what the look up API query returns has no field for that:

    {'call': '', 'aliases': ',', 'dxcc': '', 'fname': '', 'name': ' ', 'addr1': '', 'addr2': '', 'zip': '', 'country': '', 'lat': '.', 'lon': '3.', 'grid': '', 'ccode': '', 'land': '', 'class': '', 'codes': '', 'qslmgr': '', 'email': 'e', 'u_views': '', 'bio': '', 'biodate': '', 'moddate': '', 'eqsl': '0', 'mqsl': '', 'cqzone': '', 'ituzone': '', 'iota': '', 'lotw': '', 'geoloc': '', 'name_fmt': ' '}

    When you select a contact in the logbook and request confirmation it will show you this message:

    You have requested confirmation for the following QSOs in your logbook,.
    Unfortunately the records listed below were not requested for the following reasons:
    Callsign Logged Reason
    No QRZ Logbook. Contact CALLSIGN manager.

    Programmatically It will possible by trying to log a contact with that particular and truncate the process along the way but I dont think that's the best approach to solve this.

    anyone has any suggestions how to approach this? Maybe adding a simple field to the lookup as flag. 'logbook':'0'
  2. K8VHL

    K8VHL Moderator Emeritus Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Sure. Go to your Logbook and select the grey Display Options button (on the right side top below Book # XXXXX) and add a column by checking the box for QRZ Log User.
    Edit - Many hams that don't use the QRZ Logbook do upload their records to LoTW. Confirmations achieved on LoTW can be downloaded to your QRZ Logbook.
    Last edited: May 7, 2023
    CE3FJK likes this.
  3. CE3FJK

    CE3FJK Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    is there any way to get this flag at the moment of doing the callsign lookup?
  4. K8VHL

    K8VHL Moderator Emeritus Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I don't think so. But it doesn't affect the outcome. You will log the QSO anyway, because they may use LoTW even if they don't use the QRZ Logbook.
    CE3FJK likes this.
  5. KP4SX

    KP4SX Ham Member QRZ Page

    I don't think the Flag Counter has anything to do with the Logbook. Its for visits to your page.

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