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QRZ Database Download

Discussion in 'QRZ Site Community Help Center' started by K9AT, Oct 6, 2022.

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  1. K9AT

    K9AT XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    I do POTA activations and usually there's a data connection at the park I operate from but occasionally there is not. I'm told there's the ability to download the complete QRZ database so the look up function is available with HAMRS when I don't have a cellular data connection. Can you point me in the right direction for this function?

    Best 73,
  2. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    Once upon a time, long long ago that was possible. But not now. Hasn't been a feature for many years.

    Really cool story on your bio page about Spero by the way ... :)

  3. N4NWD

    N4NWD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Any suggestions on how I can get a database download for my County? I can get a list that appears to be 256 licensed hams in my County. I would like to get a database of Call / Name / Email. Purpose of the download is to send out an email inviting them to join in an ARES group. Any/All help would be appreciated. N4NWD - E.C. Catoosa County Georgia.
  4. KC5NGX

    KC5NGX Ham Member QRZ Page

    I would like to have the capability to download the Callsign database also.

    73 es Gud DX de KC5NGX
  5. K9AT

    K9AT XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hi Dave,

    Good name BTW :). I just saw your message from October. Thanks for reading my LOOOONNNGG QRZ page. Spero was a great guy and I wish you could have met him. He was my inspiration to pursue my path in electronics.

    Best 73
  6. K9AT

    K9AT XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I heard back from the admins from QRZ about this and it's not available. I wish it was even if it would be a large file to store locally. It would be handy if the internet data connection wasn't available in a POTA destination. I'd be willing to pay something for it.

    Best 73,

  7. NY4I

    NY4I QRZ Lifetime Member #487 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    I just asked this question in a support ticket before I stumbled upon this answer. If this is no longer available, then I would ask that the Account page be updated to remove that benefit as it clearly lists Database Downloads as a feature of my subscription. A screenshot of my Account page is below...

  8. NB3R

    NB3R Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

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