Hi, I do POTA activations and usually there's a data connection at the park I operate from but occasionally there is not. I'm told there's the ability to download the complete QRZ database so the look up function is available with HAMRS when I don't have a cellular data connection. Can you point me in the right direction for this function? Best 73, David K9AT
Once upon a time, long long ago that was possible. But not now. Hasn't been a feature for many years. Really cool story on your bio page about Spero by the way ... Dave W7UUU
Any suggestions on how I can get a database download for my County? I can get a list that appears to be 256 licensed hams in my County. I would like to get a database of Call / Name / Email. Purpose of the download is to send out an email inviting them to join in an ARES group. Any/All help would be appreciated. N4NWD - E.C. Catoosa County Georgia.
Hi Dave, Good name BTW . I just saw your message from October. Thanks for reading my LOOOONNNGG QRZ page. Spero was a great guy and I wish you could have met him. He was my inspiration to pursue my path in electronics. Best 73
I heard back from the admins from QRZ about this and it's not available. I wish it was even if it would be a large file to store locally. It would be handy if the internet data connection wasn't available in a POTA destination. I'd be willing to pay something for it. Best 73, David
I just asked this question in a support ticket before I stumbled upon this answer. If this is no longer available, then I would ask that the Account page be updated to remove that benefit as it clearly lists Database Downloads as a feature of my subscription. A screenshot of my Account page is below...
HamCall has a database you can download or get on a DVD or USB stick. I will cost you a few $$ however. https://hamcall.net/haminfo.html