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PSK31 Rant

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K5DVW, Feb 22, 2002.

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  1. K3LT

    K3LT Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    The comments about PSK-31 are interesting, but not surprising.
    The "problem" seems to be the fact that a lot of hams are just
    as typing-challenged as they are CW-challenged.  And, once
    again, it boils down to an unwillingness to apply themselves to
    learning a useful communications skill.  We live in an age where
    we are going to be more dependent on computers, so therefore
    it makes sense to gain the skill needed to communicate
    effectively and efficiently with them, and through them.  Voice
    recognition software will not replace keyboarding in the lifetime
    of anyone who is a ham now, or so I'm told.  Considering that
    most people can learn to type up to 40 WPM in a matter of
    weeks (and I did it on a manual Royal 440 typewriter&#33[​IMG], there
    is no excuse other than sheer laziness -- which was the same
    thing that kept people out of HF in the days of the 13 WPM
    code testing requirement for a General-class license.  So come
    off it, guys, and quit griping about your poor typing skills, and
    go ahead and do something about it!  Remember the old
    saying, "If you think you can, or you think you can't, you're
    right either way."
  2. KB8ANY

    KB8ANY Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is not new with PSK31. When I was first licensed computer CW was becoming fashionable. One op sent me 30+ minutes worth of (stored) text complete with the required id's every 10 mins. I know because in the interim I worked another station then came back to the computer guy just in time to catch him turning it back over to me. (I didn't answer.) 73. Paul
  3. W0PML

    W0PML Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have been on PSK since life was breathed into it by the QST article, several years ago.  It is a great mode and I have always enjoyed it as a refuge when contests come on.

    Personally, I have worked enough DX, (for signal report exchanges), been DX, never liked contests.  Contacts for signal reports and QSL cards (whatever that is) do not interest me.  I just like to visit and "ragchew" (as we old folks used to say).

    PSK seems like the perfect place to go and just visit with others.  Talk about whatever common interests you have.  I use macros extensively, even tho I can type much faster than the sending speed of PSK.  I don't think I have ever seen or sent an entire transmission of 5 minutes (honest 5 minutes  [​IMG] ).

    If you think your contact is talking too long or taking up too much of your valuable time with things you aren't interested in, just sign off, or turn off the rig or change frequencies.  The wonderful thing about Ham radio is that you can find people who share your interests and you don't have to hang around where they don't.
  4. KB0E

    KB0E Ham Member QRZ Page

    With only six months at BPSK and now he wants to be the frequency police as well as the format at which one would operate. I can think of very few things that are more ill mannered, inconsiderate and rude than one pulling the plug during a qso because he doesn't want to read the macros that the other station is sending. One recommendation is find another hobby. I enjoy talking with the other operators and if they want to list everything in their shack than that is their option. Get used to it and you might even comment on his setup. Will give you something to talk about when it is your turn.
    Ray KB0E
  5. KF8G

    KF8G XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    You know what really burns me...I had a QSO going with California one day and got blown away by a 1500 watt CW signal! And those guys always brag about running .00005 watts into a lawnchair to make contacts. Let us have some space too.... We take up a whole lot less room than even narrow CW signals.
  6. N9SWA

    N9SWA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hello I've been reading thru variouse topics on PSK31 & I am wondering what are the computer requirements I need to run psk31? I have an old 486 33mhz with a 20 meg hd with a soundblaster card my hf rig is a Kenwood TS 940 can I run psk31 with this equipment? I'd really like to get up and running on this new mode. Tnx & 73's Dan
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