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Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by ae9zh, Nov 28, 2002.

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  1. N1LEF

    N1LEF Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have to admit I have been ignored as well on 2 meters, but like another gentelman did I put it down, and left the radios alone. I might go back someday, I find HF a better place to meet people who will answer your call. I am hoping to upgrade to extra soon and check out more freq's on HF right now of course I use 10 and have found some very nice people from all over the world. [​IMG] Just my 2 cents.

  2. NN1D

    NN1D Ham Member QRZ Page

    Im really Sorry to here this, but its no suprise, ive been buttin heads with many "click" hams and when get their guard down, ya put the smack on them, a recent posting on about VHF/UHF, score postings in the ARRL's QST mag.

    some "click" hams decided to start patting them selves on the back of the same sort on what is going on here.
    In one message a so called ham said. "like we need another PVC project listed the the book"

    The Grounds of ham radio were shakend from such a bad remark,

    After that one guy stood up and, really smack them in the face.
    and brought the entire list to a stand still for a week

    So U are not alone, hams are weeding out the bad ones, chin up and don't pay any mind to the mind-less, if they want their "clicks" them let them have em, cause thats all they will have after they are marked as a bad or Click ham. Be friends with all, as it is supose to be.

    ive been around for 12 years in ham radio,
    ive had my windsheild smashed, my repeater kerchunked
    and countless numbers of other stuff cause i was against the bad acts of a hand full of hams.
    well today they are all gone, marked as bad hams.
    stuck in their own little clicks, no one will talk to them

    At one Time New England was marked the worst operators in the country, with the highest code wavers and repeater cops.

    But Please remember what took your interest in ham radio, was it the people? or the hobby.

    For me it was the Hobby, if someone don't want to talk to you consider it their loss, their missing out!

    73 - Young Man!
  3. K1MKF

    K1MKF Ham Member QRZ Page

    The idiot operator will always be out there.  From the local club president who told me to call him when I get my radio fixed while I was trying to understand the bad audio report he gave me.  To the guy I complimented on his home repairs to an old tube radio and mentioned that although I was an electronic tech I never repaired a sick radio and he laughed at me and called me an appliance operator.

    The "closed repeater" confuses me.  If it is indeed closed it should not receive coordination and an open repeater should be entitled to the frequency pair.

    I don't always want to ragchew with every new guy I hear on the repeater but I will usually hop in for a quick QSO.  It's a great way to meet other HAMS and promote the local club.

  4. kc0idi

    kc0idi QRZ Member

    Wow- It never fails, things always revert back to the same thing, someone should go back to CB, someone is only a Tech, 2m is CB, some one is an Extralight.  Why not use this as a wake up to your self and say, "Do I ever do that?"  If you do it's OK, you don't have to talk to anyone you don't want to.  But remember if you were traveling you would probably like to talk to someone as you head down the road.  Also ask your self, "Have I ever told someone to not talk to a certain group?"  If so that's OK too, you were probably trying to do what is best.  Remember that your impression of someone could be very different of someone else's.

    Next time you read a post about something negative don't make it worse by calling people names and scolding people.  Use the post as a reminder to your self about how you behave and how other people will see you.  

    The reason I am writing this reply is that I am tired of seeing people bash other people's views.  You can feel that someone is wrong but looking down on them because they have not been in the hobby as long as you or you have a higher class of license is not what this hobby is about.  I see enough of this attitude in high school.  That's right I'm just some punk 17 year old but some of the behavior here is that of 10 year olds.  When you see adults behaving like this it's almost scary.

    So please just respect other peoples views. [​IMG]
  5. KG4NEL

    KG4NEL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hmm...the only "one-way propagation" I've come upon is calling CQ on 50.125, waiting for 6 to open. Hope the E's are good this winter... ;)

    But I definitely agree with the point being made. In my case, instead of staying on 2 meters, I've gone up and down - I usually hang around on 6 meters SSB, and am starting to experiment with 2.4 GHz and satellites. I think W5HTW said it best: "Cliques are easy to avoid - go somewhere else." Sure, I still use repeaters, but they aren't the do-all and end-all of my ham radio hobby.

    Just my two cents.


  6. KG4WCG

    KG4WCG Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am new to this game, got my ticket a few weeks ago. I have met a few nice people on the radio, but to be honest I am already to throw in the towel with this hobby. Its a real slap in the face when you here a QSO going and wait till it ends to give your call. 2 seconds later I put out my call and dead silence. I try one more time. nothing... Five min later someone else calls and one of the guys that was in the first QSO comes back to answer his buddy. This has happened to me on several repeaters. Why is this type of behavior necessary? No wonder there are so many licensees and you hear hardly half of them on the air.
  7. KC5BMJ

    KC5BMJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    w6th... god has no place in ham radio. (period)

    keep religion out of the discussion.

    FYI, driving through denver today.... several calls... KC5BMJ monitoring.... on a certain repeater i was told about... no answers... followed by KC5BMJ for some information about the repeater answers....

    then NXXXX calling KXXXX... with WXXXX and another NXXXX piled up ragchewing with a 4way....

    the best thing you can do is to remember: when you are a repeater owner (i am) or trustee, those random calls on your equipment are a PRIVILEDGE... treat them as such... never resist the temptation not to meet someone new! to do so is against what ham radio is all about!

  8. KB9YKY

    KB9YKY Banned QRZ Page

    Maybe one of the reasons that these repeater calls are ignored is because the other operators know, or sense, that the caller is the type of guy that would spell "God" with a small "g". [​IMG]
  9. KC5NYO

    KC5NYO Ham Member QRZ Page

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (kc5bmj @ Dec. 04 2002,04:29)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">w6th... god has no place in ham radio. (period)

    keep religion out of the discussion.[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
    Excuse me?! Are there any other posters you'd like to silence? Are there any other ideas, viewpoints, thoughts or beliefs that you don't like? Tell us now so we'll be sure to post only those things that you want to hear and agree with.

    Contrary to what you may have been taught, The First Amendment guarantees us the right to free speech. In a free and open discussion, which this thread is, the poster had every right to state his opinions, viewpoints, thoughts and beliefs. As long as it adhered to this site's guidelines, which it did. You can say that you don't agree with his beliefs, but you cannot tell him to quit posting them. Geez!

    You may have confused his post with the government trying to establish a religion. Yeah, that must be it!

    Save yourself some aggravation......... make a note of those posters whose ideas, beliefs, thoughts and viewpoints you don't like, then don't read their posts. It's simple, it works, and "everyone" still gets to participate.

    73, Mike
  10. N7MK/SK2024

    N7MK/SK2024 Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think that they should make it illegal to operate a closed repeater.[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>  

    Right or wrong,one reason "closed" systems exist is because so many people these days think it is  their "right" to use repeaters, but they don't want to support them.  Too many people have the attitude that everyone (other people, the gov't, etc) owes them something, and that they have some unalienable right to use anything they want without paying their way.

    If all systems were just open, as the support dropped off, many would go away.  The groups I know of, also support and maintain open repeaters in addition to their closed ones.  And sometimes systems are closed because of control operator issues.

    And the Rules state you can limit access to repeater systems as you deem fit.

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You can run on and on about privately owned equipment but they are public frequencies.[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>

    That is debatable.. but in any event, you can use the frequencies but not systems, provided you are not causing interference.

  11. K7AII

    K7AII Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is my first posting in this type of environment. It seems that a lot of people are angry at ideas and not necessarily operating practices. I have enjoyed amateur radio for 23 years and during that time I have been insulted on 2 meters and HF. Never on CW though. I have also enjoyed a lot of great discussions throughout my ham experience. I guess we get bored sometimes and must respond. Aloha and 73, Jamie KH6KW
  12. N0PU

    N0PU Guest

    I have been staying out of this conversation, but I now have some thoughts to add...

    1. I work at home... My 2mtr is monitoring 4 repeaters and 3 simplex freqs all the time.

    2. I don't answer every call that comes across... Unless I know the person and have something to say... I ignore it... and I shall continue to ignore it unless I have something to add to a conversation...

    3. I have NO responsibility to answer a call unless it is an emergency call... however I will answer unknown callers asking for info or a radio check...etc...

    4. A lot of times when I finish a qso or roundtable I'll get up and head for the john... If you think I'm gonna hold my water just so I can give you an answer on the radio, think again... I have more pressing things to deal with at the moment...

    I do not understand where some folks come off thinking that they HAVE to get an answer every time they pick up the mic... I call lots of times and get no answer... oh well... maybe no-one has anything to say to me today... no big deal...

    Having said that, I will say that the emergency traffic that got turned down is outragious! And possibly illegal to boot!

    Both sides need to ease up...

    For you new people... We have not been sitting on our cans just waiting for you to get a ticket so we could have the privlege of talking with you... try to learn how to fit in... you JOINED our ranks remember...

    You old timers... Ease up on these new folks... They are just learning... give 'em a break... try to teach and help those who need it...

    Harry Kholer N0PU
  13. W6UQZ

    W6UQZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I've been a ham since 1976.  I very rarely listen to 2 meter repeater QSO's--and even less engage in them.  11 years ago, I encountered the "private repeater/Repeater God" phonomenon in the San Jose, CA area.  Needless to say, it wasn't a "warm welcome" by any means. Perhaps the all-knowing Repeater Gods reaped some bitter pleasure in running off a newbie with a borrowed HT.

    I've listened to two meter QSO's for a total of 2-3 hours since then, but have not made one.  Perhaps I'll take another listen over the next few months to see if Central Coast operators are as friendly as the general populace here.    

    HF operators should view 2 meters in terms of the concept of "CQ."  A CQ is the universal, general invitation to speak with a fellow Ham...any fellow ham, unless directed to a particular geo region ("CQ JT1 AND JT1 ONLY...PLEASE!!!!"----HI).  CQ is a general "hello, out there," and those unfamiliar Hams who anwer practice Ham Radio "aloha," may God bless them.    

    Try CQ'ing on a repeater, and see what happens.  Snickers, snide remarks, repeater cops with sirens blaring, etc.  How about the "repeater correct "WXXXX, monitoring......."?    Dead silence.

    73, and may your CQ's be answered, JH      
  14. VE3LEG

    VE3LEG Ham Member QRZ Page

    I actually made my first ever QSO on a 2 meter repeater calling CQ, it still works on ocassion.
  15. KB9YKY

    KB9YKY Banned QRZ Page

    Why would anyone call "cq" on a channelized FM frequency? They are going to be on channel, or not on channel. Why would anyone call "cq" on a local repeater? If you call on a repeater channel pair, you should only expect to reach that particular local repeater's channel. Of coarse such "cq calls" are going to be "snickered at and/or ignored". If you call in such a silly manner, you should just expect not to be taken very seriously.
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