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November Issue: The Logger's Bark Magazine

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W7UUU, Oct 31, 2024.

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  1. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    Once again, thanks for all the great feedback on the October issue (and prior issues) of The Logger's Bark, the newsletter & magazine of W7DK, The Radio Club of Tacoma! You can read about the club at and if you're ever in Tacoma, WA on a Saturday, the club holds open house almost every Saturday from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM and all are welcome. Full details at the link.

    In this month's November issue of The Logger's Bark magazine:

    • Phone patches: History, theory, and a slew of examples from collection of K7MO
    • The W7DK Bigfoot Special Event Station RESULTS ARE IN!!
    • Analog vs. Digital Antenna Analyzers
    • How the ARRL QSL Bureau works and how to use it
    • Why do U.S. call signs no longer match geographical districts?
    • What is the TRUE story behind "HI HI" as Morse code laughter?
    • The "Mystery Elmer" column - a new feature!
    • Single-tube 6V6 "Wood Slat" transmitter similar to the 1948 design - video of it working
    • Plus Dave Jensen's "GEAR" column; QSL of the month; "New Hot Thing" review

    And lots more.... photos, tips, tricks, blurbs, puzzles, all about amateur radio and NEVER any ads!

    Download The Logger's Bark HERE:

    IMPORTANT: Be sure to actually download it to read - if you merely use Preview mode, the external links won't work! Also, to open a link, "Right Click" > "Open in New Tab". The software I use unfortunately doesn't support "targeted links"... unless you right click, you will leave the document.


    [image below is static - the links won't work - download with the link above]


    W5MJG, W4CDO, W4LJ and 7 others like this.
  2. NZ4X

    NZ4X Platinum Subscriber Volunteer Moderator Platinum Subscriber Swapmeet Lead QRZ Page

    I just downloaded the November issue!

    The cover alone is worth the read.

    Looking forward to the read later tonight and tomorrow morning with my cake and coffee!

    Ronnie NZ4X
    W7XH and W7UUU like this.
  3. K2ZMM

    K2ZMM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I've read September & October and have been keeping an eye out, looking forward to November. Thanks!
    W7XH and W7UUU like this.
  4. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    Thanks Russ! And for being the first "out of state" winner of stickers in the "Find the hidden word" challenge :)

    K2ZMM likes this.
  5. KK7USO

    KK7USO Ham Member QRZ Page

    very nice and entertaining

    K2ZMM likes this.
  6. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    Thank you Samuel! That means a lot to me :)

    Your "Logger's Certificate" mailed out yesterday, young man. It should be in your mail tomorrow :)

    It was nice seeing you and your Dad at the clubhouse last week - we hope to see you join as a member soon :)

    K2ZMM likes this.
  7. K2ZMM

    K2ZMM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Finally had time to setup my binding machine so I printed the Logger's Bark, November 2024 edition; clear sheet on front, black plastic sheet on the back, and bound! Reading old-school style when all you needed was a little bit of light and you could read... The good old 3 dimensional days :)
    KF0GKC, W7UUU and W7XH like this.
  8. KF0GKC

    KF0GKC Ham Member QRZ Page

    You guys should make a print copy and have a subscription thing! $25 a year or $5 an issue...
    W7XH likes this.
  9. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    It would be absolutely impossible to get a retail price anywhere close to that for a 100+ page full color printed magazine ("perfect bind" not a cheap "saddle stitch") - even if printed in China! Raw printing cost would be over $5 an issue and probably more than $10 in the limited quantities The Bark would be printed.
    It could only be practical if there were ads - and that's not an option.

    It sure would be FUN to see it in a glossy "perfect bind" format like QST though... I get that :)

    K2ZMM and KF0GKC like this.
  10. K2ZMM

    K2ZMM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Or possibly do an annual, limited edition issue and send that to print (and take pre-orders).

    I would be surprised if you could get it printed @ $10 each, considering inflation, and the fact that print costs have been rising rapidly for several years now.

    Though that too would be a time consuming project.

    I need to see my manuals in print so I can scribble on them...
    That's why I got a printer that can print dual-sided and bought a binding machine as well.
    W7XH likes this.
  11. W7XH

    W7XH XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    You could support by becoming a member. Either full or associate membership is available. Visit and there is an online membership with paypal option.
    KO7T and KF0GKC like this.
  12. KF0GKC

    KF0GKC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Also-I think the "brighten someone's day" (on page 21) QSL card thing is a great idea! I am sending one.
    KK7OVF, W7UUU, W7XH and 2 others like this.
  13. NU4R

    NU4R XML Subscriber QRZ Page

  14. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    Thanks so much - Al will surely appreciate that. I've now sent 4 myself (different designs of course).

    We're hoping he gets cards from all over the country and maybe even DX!

    KK7OVF and KF0GKC like this.
  15. KK7OVF

    KK7OVF Ham Member QRZ Page

    QSL card is in the mail to 'Brighten Someone's day.' What a simple, but heartfelt and thoughtful, idea.
    AE8EM and W7UUU like this.

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