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No Waiting Use The Icom 7610 Now

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K0PIR, Dec 10, 2017.

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  1. K0PIR

    K0PIR Ham Member QRZ Page

    The Icom 7610 is out and it’s working FB on FT8. I experimented with PSK, RTTY (FSK) and a couple of others.

    I guess the good news is that it works and I'm happy with the performance. I've checked into nets and even ran a couple. The radio has been on almost non-stop.

    SSB performance is excellent, RX and TX, and the good thing about SSB is you don't need much software, if any. I'll try some CW later.

    custom YT image.JPG

    On digital modes it is different from operating the Icom 7300. Maybe the oddities I noticed using it with the software can be attributed to using the Icom 7700 for rig control.

    After a transmission the touchscreen mode indicator flashes from USB-D1 to USB and then back. It's very quick and hasn't hurt anything.

    It's a quiet transceiver, more so than the IC-7300. When transmitting digital modes I hardly know it kicks in.

    This is a workaround until the Ham Radio software catches up and includes Icom 7610 in it’s setup. MacLoggerDX and N1MM are ready to go now!

    This approach will work with other software too.

    In this video:
    1. Icom 7610 menu and internal settings.
    2. Driver download and a look at the COM ports.
    3. Ham Radio Deluxe connect and changing the CI-V address. This was tricky and I may have done it to myself trying different approaches. Once I got them into HRD Presets, it works like a champ.
    4. DM780 basic setup.
    5. WSJT-X basic setup.
    6. Making a FT8 contact with WSJT-X, JT Alert and HRD.

    I hope people find this informative and useful. I have a related article on my website K0PIR with more about this. There will be more to come.

    Best 73’s,

    Rich, K0PIR

    This is a thrill, but I’m worn out. I’ll be glad to go back to work on Monday just to take a break, hi hi.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2017

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