Today we're pleased to present our new home page redesign. As many of you may have noticed, the look and feel of our front page was starting to show its age. In fact, it has been virtually unchanged for more than a decade. This new layout provides the same great information as before but in a much more intuitive and easy to navigate layout. We've also made the page much more visual with the use of graphics for headline topics. As everyone knows, a picture is much more effective in getting out the word than a cleverly chosen headline, and with this new layout, we have both! Our engineering manager, Stephen, VA7STV, has been hard at work for months to bring us this new layout. His efforts and technical skills are clearly on display with the new page as there were a great number of engineering details that had to come together to make it work. The end result is a page that looks much more like 2016 and less like the 1990's. That's the art of software engineering and what our team does every day, quietly and behind the scenes, day in and day out to make the magic of QRZ appear on your screens. Please know that while these changes to the QRZ home page are significant, the rest of the website remains unchanged with all the same data and features as before. It's the same QRZ that you've come to know and love, but with a fresh new suit. And just like a new suit, the person inside is really the same, just sharper looking! Authors and news correspondents should look for a posting at the top of the News Forum for new publishing guidelines regarding the QRZ home page. We hope you enjoy our new look and we look forward to bringing you even more new and useful features in the coming months. 73, -fred Know and Fixed Issues [Resolved] Some users reported that the 4th column did not fit on smaller displays We now support a 3 column layout [Resolved] Tablet users unable to view full right column [Resolved] Some users are reporting that the layout looks scrambled, with gaps in the grid We have deployed changes that should resolve this issue
I hope it is when politics go away. That would be a great improvement. Make QRZ a Amateur Radio site again. Thank You Fred and Stephen. Keep up the great work.
I really hate web sites that require me to set my browser to full screen mode to be able to see everything.
Ah, now it's working. I like the pictures and ability to click the comments, but I absolutely do not like the tile thing. I wish it was more of a list layout with pics. Maybe you all can add that as a site option in the future? Also it takes much longer to load the page than it did before.
I must admit, the old design was much easier to glean info from quickly. With one glance I could check Solar data, latest articles, & anything new for sale. The old design seemed much more user friendly to me. New design will grow on me, I hope.
This type of presentation display is fairly typical for tech nowadays. See, for example, WIRED or ARSTECHNICA.... or FUTURISM, and so on. You can always find the solar data on my bio page;-)