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New QRZ Feature - Lookup History

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, Aug 11, 2015.

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  1. AA7BQ

    AA7BQ QRZ Founder QRZ HQ Staff QRZ Page

    Our engineer, Stephen VA7STV has just completed a great upgrade to the site.

    Notice the callsign search box at the top of each page. When you click on the text input area, the last 12 callsigns that you've looked up will appear for easy selection. This search history is stored in a browser cookie so if you are using multiple browsers, etc., each one will have its own lookup history.

    This should make it easy when bouncing around between calls, or just wondering where you were a minute ago. More enhancements coming soon.

    73 -fred


    We have just released a new styling for the forums called Dark Shack. You can select it in your user preferences area (at the top of this page, under your call).

    See the article at:
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2015
    K5ATG, K2NCC, N6QIC and 6 others like this.
  2. KC9UDX

    KC9UDX Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Thank you, Fred, Stephen, Jaime, and anyone else for all the hard work lately. It all looks very nice!
    AE5DX, K5JEF, KK6IQL and 1 other person like this.
  3. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    That is way cool.

    The QRZ crew has done Great work on the site. While Fred may be sipping drinks and smoking cigars in Cuba.:D

    I am trying to get over web addiction, and you are making my habit better.

    A nice feature to add, would be to let the subscribers have more time to edit and delete their double post.

    Thanks for all the great work Stephen, and Fred too for letting you do your thing.

    Last edited: Aug 11, 2015
    KK6IQL likes this.
  4. K4ECD

    K4ECD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Excellent concept + feature, QRZ rocks.

    Most browsers keep a history of your searches (ALL - not just 12) in the drop-down automatically -so when you typed, it would recall them for you.
    Now, only your recent history (12 items) are shown.

    So before if I typed say: 8P6.... all my 8P6 items quickly appeared because of default browser behavior, but now: nothing... just the last 12 items as per the cookie

    Would be nice to have the browser cached history in the drop down (as before) , PLUS a separate div with the QRZ cookie data.

    So keep the default drop down behavior of the browser, and ADD the new make #topcall div.history position left: 160px That way we have the best of both worlds.
  5. MI6LFK

    MI6LFK XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    when am in ham radio delure and go to hrd logbook when i try to look up callsigns it wont let me i get this

    • Recent Callsign Lookups
  6. VE4CY

    VE4CY Ham Member QRZ Page

    HRD is working oddly for me too. I get a whole bunch of "non call" stuff when I access QRZ from HRD. (Not XML, but the QRZ tab on HRD. This info is always the same.

    I have to scroll down through it to get to the actual QRZ page for the call I looked up.. I've attached what I see. Most of these are hyperlinks.. It doesn't show below because I attached the text and not the HTML:

    RV and Mobile
    Swapmeet Hot List
    Ham Radio Gear for Sale
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    General Merchandise
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    Add your callsign to QRZ
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    Edit VE4CY...
    VE4CY page...
    Edit VE4CY
    Messages (0 new)
    My Logbook
    My Account

  7. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    What version of HRD and Windows are you using ?

    That issue may be best on another thread.

    Good Luck.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2015
  8. K8ERV

    K8ERV QRZ Member QRZ Page

    Love the lookup.

    Fred, do you ever sleep?

    TOM K8ERV Montrose Colo
    KC9UDX likes this.
  9. AA7BQ

    AA7BQ QRZ Founder QRZ HQ Staff QRZ Page

    Not lately! :p
  10. AA7BQ

    AA7BQ QRZ Founder QRZ HQ Staff QRZ Page

    As I understand it, the older version of HRD has the function of IE7 internally. IE7 is garbage and we will never support it again. It was only luck that it worked at all, even before our upgrade. Even Microsoft hates it. Their new browser, called Edge, is pretty good!

    I know this won't help you, but I thought that I'd be straight about it.

    73, -fred
    N0AMT likes this.
  11. WX4CAZ

    WX4CAZ Ham Member QRZ Page

  12. N8QQE

    N8QQE Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I like it! Nice work...

  13. N2RON

    N2RON Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks for all your hard QRZ!
  14. YO4PX

    YO4PX Ham Member QRZ Page

    I totally agree with the footnote of K4ECD:
    «Most browsers keep a history of your searches (ALL - not just 12) in the drop-down automatically -so when you typed, it would recall them for you.
    Now, only your recent history (12 items) are shown.

    So before if I typed say: 8P6.... all my 8P6 items quickly appeared because of default browser behavior, but now: nothing... just the last 12 items as per the cookie

    Would be nice to have the browser cached history in the drop down (as before) , PLUS a separate div with the QRZ cookie data.

    So keep the default drop down behavior of the browser, and ADD the new make #topcall div.history position left: 160px That way we have the best of both worlds.»

    I am working on SSB with the website in front of me and I am trying to open the page of the contacted station. I like to read details about his station and his bio. It was very useful to see if I worked a guy before just by typing the first characters of his callsing, i. e. his prefix. The browser offered me all the stations holding that prefix I worked, not only the last 12 callsigns, so I could thank them for a new call and a new contact. I am sorry we lost now that feature. I would be pleased to have it back, if possible. Thank you.
    Fery, YO4PX
  15. MI6LFK

    MI6LFK XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    so any ideas how to fix these problems on HRD ?

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