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Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by VK7HH, Aug 19, 2022.

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  1. WM5L

    WM5L XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Wow so much hate from a group of guys that have no Idea
    N2PQW, CE3VRT and KC3JH like this.
  2. K5SOP

    K5SOP Ham Member QRZ Page

    Just finished getting my 10 GHz and 24 GHz rigs ready for the contest weekend using my Ic 705 as an IF. Maybe the 905 will be on the bench soon.
    K5AGE, N2PQW and AK5B like this.
  3. VK7HH

    VK7HH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Exactly right my friend! 10 GHz is one of the most popular bands here in Australia
    VA7UO, K5AGE and CE3VRT like this.
  4. KC3JH

    KC3JH Ham Member QRZ Page

    There are a lot of long distance 10 GHz narrow band QSO's being made via rain scatter.
    M0MNE, K8RFI, K5AGE and 2 others like this.
  5. K6CLS

    K6CLS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Gee, what happened to "if you build it, they will come"?

    Maybe a rig that makes the bands turn-key available will increase the activity?
    K5AGE, VK7HH and AK5B like this.
  6. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    Thats EXACTLY what I learned about 1296 when I got my 9700!!! I thought 1296 would be dead and even if I heard stations my 8 watts (at the antenna) would be worthless

    Turns out there is more FM activity than on most of the local 2M repeaters and I hit the main repeater full quieting even though it’s 37 miles away!!

    Never judge the activity on a band you are not equipped to use

    W7JZE, K5AGE, N1QVE and 5 others like this.
  7. N6VL

    N6VL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    It's alive here in Southern California!
    N6SPP, W0DN, KC3JH and 4 others like this.
  8. AB6RF

    AB6RF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Wow! I'm not gonna I say "I told you so, but I told you so.
    Earlier when this new rig was just a concept called "Icom project-SHF" I said here on QRZ that they really need to add the following features:

    "To be "perfect" for QO-100 use, it should have AT MINIMUM the following features:
    - 2.4 GHz TX
    - 10 MHz reference input for the RF module, or internally GPS locked OCXO. (Maybe it already has the OCXO??)
    - Full-duplex capable
    - 740 MHz RX (IF frequency for 10 GHz LNB)"

    And now we have most of the features of the actual product.
    - 2.4GHz coverage. Check.
    - GPS locked OCXO. Check. And even better, they provide a GPS locked 10MHz output to lock other external equipment!
    - Full-duplex. TBD
    - 740MHz RX. Looks like it's there, the Icom video presentation talks about wide-band receive.

    Hopefully the new IC-905 will be available in all regions ASAP. I'm exited about it.

    M0MNE, N6SPP, W0PV and 4 others like this.
  9. KF4HR

    KF4HR XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    It'll be interesting to see how the IC-905 opens up activity on the higher bands. Use 'em or loose 'em! ;)

    KA1YBS, VK7HH and KA2FIR like this.
  10. KA4ZZZ

    KA4ZZZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Not judging anyone just having a discussion, just making an observation. I am equipped to use all.
  11. AK5B

    AK5B XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    It certainly can't hurt! I'm also excited about it, too as it's a very encouraging development in the weak-signal modes arena.
  12. DO1FER

    DO1FER Ham Member QRZ Page

    OMG. They did it. A big step to the future. Where ATV, QO-100 and other further things will get normal. And bands are not exclusive anymore with transverters to use, they only belong to the usable frequencies for intrested HAMradio operators. Outstanding and very cool.
    M0MNE, KD4REE, K5AGE and 4 others like this.
  13. VK7HH

    VK7HH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Dave you're EXACTLY 100% right. A lot of the arguments about "oh there's no activity on the band" is down to attitude. If you don't get the gear - there won't be activity...
    and before the flames come... my local radio club started off with maybe 1 or 2 people active on 1296. Now we have 23... and we have about 80 in our club. Now it's starting to shift to the higher bands now, 2.4 GHz, 3.4 GHz and 10 GHz.

    Once people start to realize how much you can experiment/build antennas and have fun with those bands - the more popular they will become.

    Kudos to Icom for having a real crack at this, great innovation!
    M0MNE, AK5B and DO1FER like this.
  14. VK7HH

    VK7HH Ham Member QRZ Page

    An update on my previously uploaded video showing more details -
    K5AGE and DO1FER like this.
  15. SM0AOM

    SM0AOM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Something I would very much like to see is a band-by-band summary of the large-signal properties of the receiver(s), the adjacent channel properties and sideband noise levels of the transmitter(s).

    G3ZBP, AK5B and WN1MB like this.

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