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New DMR Network

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by KC3OL, Mar 7, 2019.

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  1. KC3OL

    KC3OL Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    A new DMR network has been formed. It is called QRM_Network. This is a good place to experiment with new hardware and software.

    Hotspot config information: The address of the server is The password is passw0rd. That's with a zero. and the port number is 62031.

    The dashboard is at

    Many of us hang out on TG31207. If you would like to have your own talk group just let us know.
    73, Ted, KC3OL, Kirk, K6KAR, and Frank, NG0N.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2019
    M1WML, K0UO, HB3XPL and 1 other person like this.
  2. HB3XPL

    HB3XPL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hello TED, greatings from switzerland, we have a litle community of ham's speaking Portuguese language, is it possible to add a TG called ( Portuguese ) TG 268 ???? thanks TED my e-mail is
    Thank you 73's HB3XPL
    M1WML likes this.
  3. KC3OL

    KC3OL Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    All is ready for you now. 73
    M1WML likes this.
  4. NJ3H

    NJ3H Ham Member QRZ Page

    Is the Parrot supposed to use group call or private call. So far cannot get it to work.
    George, NJ3H
    Redmond, Oregon
    M1WML likes this.
  5. K9PSL

    K9PSL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Dear QRM Admins,

    I am not sure if this is the appropriate place to request a talkgroup for QRM; however, I would like to kindly request a new talkgroup for a new group that is just getting together. The group is called CDARIN and we can be found at This group aims to link Caribbean hams worldwide with their counterparts in the Caribbean.
    Group Name: CDARIN
    Possible Room #. 431420
    Best regards
    M1WML likes this.
  6. KC3OL

    KC3OL Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Paul, I'll be glad to assign talk group 431240 with the name off CDARIN. The correct address of the QRM network is and the correct domain name is Information about how to set up a hot spot can be. found at our Facebook room which is
    73, Ted, KC3OL
    M1WML likes this.
  7. K9PSL

    K9PSL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thank you very much, TED. I really appreciate your kind gesture. I will inform the group and add the talkgroup information to our webpage.
    73 - K9PSL - Paul
    M1WML likes this.
  8. K9PSL

    K9PSL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hello Ted, Sorry - just noticed that you assigned 431 240 instead of 431420 as requested. Is there any remote possibility of assigning the 431420.
    If it is not possible I understand.
    M1WML likes this.
  9. KC3OL

    KC3OL Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I just fixed it. Sorry about that. 73, Ted
    M1WML likes this.
  10. W4EDP

    W4EDP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    M1WML likes this.
  11. KC3OL

    KC3OL Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    M1WML likes this.
  12. W4EDP

    W4EDP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thank You!
    M1WML likes this.
  13. N4VKF

    N4VKF Ham Member QRZ Page

    I think I finally got it added correctly to my zumspot.
    M1WML likes this.
  14. ON3RVL

    ON3RVL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hello , I am newbe from 75 y old.
    How to connect to the QRM31535 network ?
    Raymond ON3RVL
    M1WML likes this.
  15. KC3OL

    KC3OL Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Raymond, Please send an email to K2KXK and he will help you to get setup on talk group 31535.
    M1WML likes this.

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