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"NCIS Newington" on Ham Radio Now (not click bait, but close)

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K4AAQ, Nov 7, 2017.

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  1. KA2CZU

    KA2CZU XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    he described it as "clickbait" sort of, and it goes with the theme NCIS uses... as they have NCIS Los Angeles, NCIS New Orleans already, and this episode was regarding NCIS and "Ham Radio"... the political center of which could be called Newington (or not)... basically -> tongue-in-cheek reference
  2. WA8Y

    WA8Y Ham Member QRZ Page

    Watch the Ham Radio Now episode to understand why Gary, KN4AQ picked that title.
  3. WA8Y

    WA8Y Ham Member QRZ Page

    Having just watched The "NCIS Newington" Ham Radio Now espisode; Gary Kn4AQ expressed my feeling about Slandering Amateur Radio. If you are not sure you want to watch the entire Ham Radio Now episode, please watch the 40 to 51 minute portion of this Ham Radio Now episode.
    Sincerely, Steve WA8Y
  4. K7JEM

    K7JEM Ham Member QRZ Page

    I don't see the problem, really. This is a TV show, a made up thing. They get stuff wrong all the time about things in general. Most people understand that. And I have known hams that are similar to this person, but not in those exact ways.

    I think that what people object to is the use of "ham radio weirdo". But that might be a good description of a person if he portrays himself as a weirdo, and is a ham operator to excess. I don't think this says all hams are weirdos, but that some do exist in the hobby. We don't see it so much because we are involved in the hobby, and things that seem weird to others might not seem weird to us.

    We have all seen "whackers" in the ham community. Those people seem weird to me, but maybe not so much if you are in the whacker sub-element of ham radio.

    If your life so revolves around anything that is becomes obsessive, you may be considered a weirdo to others.
    KG5THG likes this.
  5. K4AAQ

    K4AAQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    The Tim McGee character is actually talking on the two-meter (Kenwood, I think) radio to the left of the HF rig on 30 meters. It looks like he's on 147.3, or maybe 147.32 MHz. You can see where his mic is connected in the wide shot.
    NX6ED likes this.
  6. K4AAQ

    K4AAQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    They make it worse when they define "weirdo" - " driver's license, no home phone, no cell phone, no reportable income since 2007, so I think this guy is going to be exactly who you picture when you think of ham radio weirdo."

    As you watch TV over the next few weeks, try to catch programs that have a character at the extreme of society. See where they fit in the world (what job, hobby, culture or distinguishing characteristic), and see how far they push that character to be weird. Are we being picked on, or is this equal-opportunity trashing? Could be that we're only feeling singled out because this time it's us. When it's someone else, we point and laugh along with the rest of the audience.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2017
  7. K4AAQ

    K4AAQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I sit corrected. My point is that YASME no longer equals DX, but of course they don't exclude their roots, either.

    You're gonna make me do all the work here, aren't you?

    Perhaps someone could contact the DXers you're referring to and recommend they check out the show. If they like what they see, they can contact me about doing a show with them.
  8. VA6OK

    VA6OK Subscriber QRZ Page

    I think the best point Gary made in his show was that TV tends to butcher lots of groups/professions but since ham radio is less known to the public it is that much more damaging to our image. This NCIS show may be the only glimpse of hams that some people get. What a shame!

    Thanks Gary.
    WA8FOZ likes this.
  9. AI6US

    AI6US XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    While the show had many inaccuracies, it was much less damaging to our hobby than the public listening to actual ham radio operators on 80/40m! As a new operator, I am taken back and wonder why and how these operators are allowed to continue their daily obscenity laced tirades? Have been very embarrassed on several occasions while spinning the dials with visitors present!
    ND6M, WA8FOZ, NU4R and 1 other person like this.
  10. KR6AUL

    KR6AUL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    ok there big buddy.
    We got ourselves a convoy!
  11. W0PV

    W0PV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sorry, too busy gettin' ready to listen, watch, perhaps even participate in Ham Talk Live! do an important follow up on the Puerto Rico EMCOMM controversy tomorrow. :D
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2017
  12. W0PV

    W0PV Ham Member QRZ Page

    NCIS isn't a documentary. I think all but the most dim-witted viewers get that. Some of those may "suspend disbelief" longer term, but there's no reason to pay them any mind (YAWN) .

    Imagine the eye-rolling outrage real agents of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service must think about almost every episode. :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2017
    KG5THG and K7JEM like this.
  13. KA5RIO

    KA5RIO Ham Member QRZ Page

    I must have saw a different version. Wife was watching it and I walk in just as they
    when into the apartment.Tim's partner walks into the room and said the guy is
    ( into something weird).Tim comes into the room ex planes that no it's just a
    ham radio setup and that it was the first social media before social media and
    then told how hams helped( This part sounded like they got it from ARRL .
    Yes there were fake call signs=It wasn't perfect-But if you didn't actually see
    the show you can't really make a good judgment call.(As in the actual line was
    he was into something weird)Not that he was a weirdo.
  14. K4AAQ

    K4AAQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Would saw what you saw, but you also missed what you missed. My episode has clips of everything they say and show about Amateur Radio. Including predicting the ham is a weirdo.
  15. N0KEW


    I am listening to the 146.85 here as I type this and I think the way NCIS painted ham radio is actually extremely accurate.
    KA2CZU likes this.

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