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Looking for Q&A forums

Discussion in 'QRZ Site Community Help Center' started by K3TRU, Oct 1, 2024 at 12:58 AM.

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  1. K3TRU

    K3TRU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hi, I'm a licensed Extra but don't have a lot of experience, so I have a lot of questions. I'm trying not to be "that guy" and am scanning the forums before posting questions, but some don't seem to have a matching topic in the forums. Is there a general (Q&A) area where I should go first if I have questions and can't tell where I should be posting them?
  2. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    What is the topic specifically?

  3. K3TRU

    K3TRU Ham Member QRZ Page

    My S meter is behaving weird. It used to fluctuate with the signal, now it only changes when I change the RF gain (inverse).
  4. K3TRU

    K3TRU Ham Member QRZ Page

    I just posted my situation in full (with apologies in case off-topic) but I thought there might be a place where I should start in general.
  5. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    K0UO likes this.
  6. K3TRU

    K3TRU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Awesome, thank you.
  7. K3TRU

    K3TRU Ham Member QRZ Page

    I see it now in the forums list, I have no idea how I didn't see it before. Again, thanks.

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