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Long Distance Responders Organization is an Official Non-Profit

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by N7KCB, Jul 17, 2021.

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  1. N7KCB

    N7KCB Ham Member QRZ Page

    For many months now I have been working on establishing Long Distance Responders Organization as a legal non-profit. A couple of days ago, the state of Arizona has approved my paperwork and made the non-profit official.

    The non-profit's goal is to teach people how to respond during emergencies with an emphasis on utilizing Amateur Radio. To fulfill this goal, we will be providing educational programs. One of the programs that we will be hosting is an annual hamfest during National Amateur Radio Operators Day.

    To further proceed with our goal, we are encouraging people to donate to Long Distance Responders Organization. The donation page can be found at or at As a non-profit, we can offer tax credits. We hope for your support in making America safer and more responsive.

  2. AD7SK

    AD7SK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Out of curiosity, does your group plan to advocate in the political arena in policy, legislation, or similar areas?
  3. N7KCB

    N7KCB Ham Member QRZ Page

    To get the National Amateur Radio Operators Day resolution passed, we would have to contact congress members, but we plan on remaining ham advocates, NOT politicians. Thank you for your question.
  4. AD7SK

    AD7SK Ham Member QRZ Page

    My question assumed that you were intent on advocacy in and for emergency communications and the role of amateur radio in it, hence the quote "..plan to advocate in the political arena...".

    Political advocacy ≠ becoming politicians.
  5. N7KCB

    N7KCB Ham Member QRZ Page

    I didn't understand your question the last time. We will be hosting an emergency service program.
  6. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Is that Responders or Transponders ?

    Good Luck.
    AA5BK likes this.
  7. N7KCB

    N7KCB Ham Member QRZ Page

    The Name of our organization is Long Distance Responders Organization

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