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Logging Net contacts

Discussion in 'QRZ Site Community Help Center' started by KK7TPM, Aug 27, 2024.

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  1. KK7TPM

    KK7TPM Ham Member QRZ Page


    First post here and today I had my first HF contact, which was the Sunrise/Moonbeam net. I did not get any callsign from the controller though (unless I missed it) so I am wondering how to log such a contact, or even if hams even log nets at all?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. K2CD

    K2CD Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    It depends on the protocol of the net. I haven't been on a net in a very long time, but in the past I have logged net contacts, if and when I exchanged call signs, signal reports, or another significant piece of information as required by the net. Some nets are for the expressed purpose of working other net operators, and working towards net awards, such as is done on the Century Club, Triple H, GERATOL, OMISS net, etc.. Other styles of net I do log contacts when Call Signs and signal reports are exchanged. If checked into a net and didn't get a chance to work anybody for some reason, then I would not log getting picked up by the net control station as a contact.
    KK7TPM likes this.
  3. KK7TPM

    KK7TPM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks for the response. I looked up the 'net' and in fact they eschew that word, preferring instead to use "system". Their full abbreviated name is YL-ISSB. Appears to be a daily US-based thing primarilly on 20m (14.332 MHz) twice a week on 40m and once-a-week on 17m. Seems to have been going since the early 1960s. I may contact the mto ask who the California coast-based controller was so I can log them personally if possible. As to net awards, I did see some mention of competitive activities on their website. I'll try to remember to get a callsign confirmation next time, if I check in to it on another occasion. Thanks again!
    K2CD likes this.
  4. K2CD

    K2CD Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    You're welcome. I had a look at their web page and saw it was quite detailed. You might want to look into using Netlogger, a free program that makes it easy to see who is checked into the net, who the NCS is, and other useful information. It supports many different nets. I haven't used it in a long time, but it was very useful to me, and can only have improved with time. Good luck and have fun!
    KK7TPM likes this.

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