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Last POTA Activation, Fairfield State Park

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KG5AHJ, Mar 3, 2023.

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  1. KK5UP

    KK5UP Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    owners want to pour concrete. its a shame
    KI5UXW likes this.
  2. K9TDW

    K9TDW Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Paved paradise to put up a parking lot...
    K9ATS and KI5UXW like this.
  3. K5KUA

    K5KUA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hello Frank KG5AHJ.
    You have the last activation of this park.

    I have the first activation of this park.
    HC2/W7SE - Feb 18, 2012 04:18 on 40M CW.

    Cheers to the first and last activators of this great park.

    Thanks and 73 Joe K5KUA
    W9EBE, KI5UXW, KG5AHJ and 2 others like this.
  4. KI6PMD

    KI6PMD Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm not surprised it's TEXAS they must have found OIL !!! maybe the ALAMO is next then we can say remember the ALAMO ! KI6PMD..
  5. K5SOP

    K5SOP Ham Member QRZ Page

    KG5AHJ likes this.
  6. K5SOP

    K5SOP Ham Member QRZ Page

    Receiving notification of park closure from Texas Parks & Wildlife, I reserved a campsite #121 to make a POTA activation operating 5 watts with a Kx2 and an end feed half wave vertical on February 20th and then again on February 21 using a 28.5 foot random wire. Total Qso's were 75 cw contacts before packing up and moving down the road to Fort Parker State Park near Mexia, Texas. This was my first POTA activation of Fairfield Lake State Park and sadly my last, but I started camping there with my wife forty years ago by motorcycle. The park and all of its wildlife will truly be missed.
    W9EBE and KG5AHJ like this.
  7. KG5AHJ

    KG5AHJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thats Awesome, finally my name is marked for something that not an example :p This park will be missed, its on the last for parks to hit on the way to Houston for a Radar award.
    K5KUA and KI5UXW like this.
  8. KD2HWD

    KD2HWD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Those trees won't be there anymore if they develop it !
    KI5UXW likes this.
  9. K9TDW

    K9TDW Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    True. They will cut them down to get the most out of their development,
    KI5UXW likes this.
  10. KA4VNM

    KA4VNM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Usually done to provide public access to a waterway or lake that the state owns.
  11. KR5QA

    KR5QA Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

  12. W8JWF

    W8JWF Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Love that park, its only 45min from me

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