Today visit Fairfield State Park on this last weekend being opened to the public. I attempt at build an Antenna and FAIL, then active the park for the Last on 10 and 17 Meters. I am sorry for the audio issues at the end of the video. I didn't know about the feedback title editing. Its interesting, its only happening on 10M, 20M and 40M with that mic set is fine. Frank L.
Found the following press release News Release: Feb. 14, 2023: Fairfield Lake State Park to Close Permanently Feb. 28 - TPWD (
Around here the state owns the land that is then opened as a park. I've never heard of a "State Park" that is private land rented by the state to allow public access.
Agreed, its a true crying shame we are losing this one. I wished i had a better blue sky day to film the park in all its natural beauty. I do think i did a good job showing off the park anyways.
As of 2020, the company was the ranked as the highest CO2 emitter in the US. You think they may want to clean up thier image and donate the land to the state
The company used to be a good steward for the people of Texas. But, since the TXU buyout in 2007, those good ol' boys that know hard work for a living have been replaced with accountants and lawyers. All they are concerned about is money. That land around the lake is worth a fortune and will be sold to a development company. We will no longer have access to that lake, it will be for residents of that community only. There is no concern about public perception. They have every lawmaker and judge in Texas in their back pocket. A true disgrace.
It's a real shame that such an awesome plot of land for us Texas residents and visitors from out-of-state is going to be squatted and squandered for some sort of nonsense gated community. In a world where the ecology is already fragile, the last thing we need is more encroachment on these precious few green spaces that're safe from development where we'll likely see many local flora and fauna pushed further to the brink.