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K5D Desecheo DXpedition 2009 is ON!

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by KP3S, Feb 12, 2009.

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  1. EB1CAM

    EB1CAM Ham Member QRZ Page

    worked today in 17 m ssb, very good operatos but in 20 m it was no so good.
  2. KG4CNA

    KG4CNA Ham Member QRZ Page

    I worked 'em on 80m last night. Took a while to get through the pile-up though. I'm one of the "little pistols" they mention on the website...wire dipole with 100w out. Was glad to hear my call come back on the air :D Now I'll try to get 'em on the other bands.

    One other note, it is truly amazing that some ops have no clue as to what "split" means. They don't even listen before transmitting. When you hear the K5D op transmitting and you're not hearing the other station OR the pile-up that should be there...that should be a clue.

    Look over freq's on the website: There is a list of what freq's they're operating on (or around).
  3. N5NPO

    N5NPO Ham Member QRZ Page


    Worked them on 17m yesterday! Strong signal into SW ALabama.
    Thanks guys!
    I am gonna try on 75m and 6m over the next couple days....

    BTW, is Navassa on the short list?
  4. K9ZMD

    K9ZMD Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Low doublet & 100 watt "little pistol" here, but wanted K5D just once, any band. Today I could hear 'em very loud on 30 meters CW, so figured it was now or never. Huuuuuge pileup though, so I had to listen lots to find the station "being worked". Lightning ZB to that frequency, waited for "UP", then tossed in "K9ZMD/9". Zowieee, he came back to me!!! A rush like that could almost turn me into a DXer heh heh.

    Gary, K9ZMD/9
    Temporarily at Neenah, WI
  5. KC9CS

    KC9CS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Kudos to the K5D ops

    What I've heard so far is a seasoned group of veteran DX ops on the island systematically working and controlling the pileups. As a result I think a lot of hams worldwide will get K5D in their logs. As for the comment about some folks TX on the K5D TX freq, I'd have to simply say that with the many, many people operating, there are bound to be some mistakes, and some still on a learning curve. Stuff happens, I know because I got a subtle comment from one of the frequency police (who appoints these people anyway?) after a call. Turns out when switching VFO's (yes, I do listen to the pileups to try to figure out a listening pattern from the DX to facilitate working him), that I apparently hadn't pushed the VFO switch A < == > B button for the split fully. Result: yep, TX on the DX frequency. Actually, it took longer for the frequency cop to 'reprimand' me than it did for me to drop my call. So who's the bigger culprit? Anyway, enough of that soapbox. I've found the K5D group, SSB and CW both, and across the different bands to be top notch in running this DXpedition. Great job!

    Last edited: Feb 20, 2009
  6. N4XGI

    N4XGI Ham Member QRZ Page

    I worked K5D yesterday afternoon 2/21 1800 UTC with 100 W mobile on 20M in SE GA. Listened for a bit, tossed my call in the pile up, and got a good signal report reply on second try.
    100W may not be a "big gun" but that is all I have needed.
    Thanks Guys and have fun.

    Jeff N4XGI
  7. N0OST

    N0OST Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks to K5D !!

    I've got them on 2 bands so far, 80 and 20 phone. At first it seemed I would not get a chance as I had not heard them in the general portion of any band. The I saw on their website that they were not going to take part in the contest this past weekend and were instead going to work the general portions of the bands.
    This I think was an outstanding choice and they should be proud they made it. They have given a lot of hams a chance to work a rare one that otherwise would have missed out.
    I'm sure it made a lot of hams feel good also to be "included" I'll bet it helps the support contributions also.

    Thanks to the fine operators of K5D!

    73, N0OST
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