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Jim Tom from the Discovery show "Moonshiners" is a ham

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by KK4EQF, Jan 8, 2014.

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  1. N1VAU

    N1VAU XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Last edited: Jan 10, 2014
  2. N1NQC

    N1NQC Ham Member QRZ Page

    I Love "Moonshiners". Sheriff Billy constantly sees all sorts of lights and "signs" in the woods and is always "closing in". But nobody EVER gets arrested.Time to get a new cop(hi). I like to HEAR the lingo/accents though, and enjoy watching them making "whatever" it is they are making. American Pickers and some of the Pawn stuff can be good, but it's also all a set up. Entertainment.

    Avoid any shows that involve Mermaids or Big foot though.

  3. WC5P

    WC5P Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Moonshiners is kind of fun to watch. Doesn't take long to figure out that most of it is faked though. Just entertainment, something a little different than the usual drivel.
  4. WA8LGM

    WA8LGM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Oh yeah! Just thought I''d mention it: And my room mate is a Sasquatch, too. Right! Its TV get over it.
  5. W2MGF

    W2MGF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    can you please tell me which one it was please I can't find the one
  6. W4AMP

    W4AMP Ham Member QRZ Page

    He has a two year renewal window on his license.
  7. N2LXM

    N2LXM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Takes Home Brewing to a whole new level.
  8. WB9SJA

    WB9SJA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Tell him to renew his ticket it expired last October.
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