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Jim Tom from the Discovery show "Moonshiners" is a ham

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by KK4EQF, Jan 8, 2014.

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  1. KK4EQF

    KK4EQF Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yesterday's espisode featured Jim Tom trying to kickstart is music career and in two scenes he is shown using a ham radio to talk to a friend. Did some research and found his call sign. KS4YD. Now his is no "Last Man Standing" star, but to goes to show that ham radio is showing up more and more on television.
  2. K4WNY

    K4WNY Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Not sure we want this guy to represent ham radio on the media!
  3. N0FPE

    N0FPE Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have to agree....not the best light....
  4. W5LMM

    W5LMM Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Somebody better tell him to renew his license, it's about to expire. Put down that shine, boy!
  5. NM9K

    NM9K Ham Member QRZ Page

    Why not????
    KF4WLQ likes this.
  6. KF7PCL

    KF7PCL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Already expired
  7. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    How do you KNOW he's KS4YD??


    I am a ham. I am not a moonshiner; I do not gloat in ignorance; and I work hard everyday to better myself and the world around me.

    I am APPALLED by this guy! Life is not 'come as you are'. This guy (Jim Tom) is slimed and proud of original opinion. Yours may differ.

    You understand that what he is doing is illegal, no?

    Chip W1YW
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2014
  8. NT1K

    NT1K Ham Member QRZ Page

    Chip, I hope you honestly don't think that he is really a moonshiner.
  9. W3UC

    W3UC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Im glad someone said it .
    You'd be shock to see how many folks think those repo ,pawn ,storage auction and other reality shows are real.
    If I want reality tv at its best ill catch a rerun of Cops.
  10. K3OCW

    K3OCW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Come on guys, IT"S A TV SHOW. Made for TV. By the way, I bet he's making a heck of a lot more $$ than most of us. I, for one, think it's cool he's a ham. " Amish Mafia", I lived in & around the Amish country here in PA, for 62 years & never heard of them. It's TV !
  11. N8KQ

    N8KQ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yes, really do you think they are gonna follow these guys around with cameras, broadcast it on National TV doing illegal activities, lol , NOT Its all made for TV. That's why I thought the show wasn't worth watching, Too many of these on now.. Besides Honey Boo Boo is on at the same time....
  12. N7XAO

    N7XAO Ham Member QRZ Page

    I agree. Somewhere there is a director yelling "Cut" and a producer wringing their hands, writers who are redoing the script and a boom mike operator trying to keep up.
  13. WA4OTD

    WA4OTD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I saw that episode, wasn't he on 75 meters?
  14. N6JRZ

    N6JRZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    What the heck is a honey bobo? Never heard of it.
  15. AC4BB

    AC4BB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well, Honey doo-doo, will probably come out of the closet soon?
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