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Jack Gerritsen - ex KG6IRO - gets 7 years

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by G4TUT/SK2022, Sep 19, 2006.

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  1. K1OU

    K1OU Banned QRZ Page

    Considering your insult to my deceased grandfather, you should heed your own advice.
  2. K1OU

    K1OU Banned QRZ Page

    Jonathan, I want you to read this before you make another mistake....

    "Currently, half of Specter's television campaign ads focus on stem cell research, according to the Inquirer. One ad running throughout Pennsylvania features stem cell research advocate and actor Michael J. Fox praising Specter for his support of stem cell research and his role in doubling NIH funding for biomedical research."


    Time for you to pack it in. You have insulted Parkinson's sufferers by trying to make it a non-profit violation issue.

    You have insulted my deceased grandfather, who suffered from Parkinson's, while crying in mock distress about how I mortally wounded you by insulting your mother.

    I guess it is something about a double standard about which you so fervently preach.

    Did you spout your piehole and try to discredit a man with a disease for violating tax-exempt status when he did the ad for Arlen Specter? Don't kid me, or yourself. You're finished. Beat it.
  3. N2MMM

    N2MMM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Big businessmen like you want to skate thru without paying your fair share. If you don't get slammed by the government there will be no middle class left. I will +NEVER+ vote for +ANY+ rePUKElican or former rePUKElican.. They are too corrupt.
  4. W9WHE

    W9WHE Ham Member QRZ Page

    FACT: Michael Fox has been EXPOSED as just another partisian, distorting the truth for partisan political gains.  

    FACT: ADULT embrionic stem cell reasearch has been shown to have MANY positive effects, while EMBRIONIC stem cells have NOT.


    Want more proof?  Look here:

    But let's not let THE FACTS get in the way of misleading people. Its OK if democrats give false hope to those afflicted. Afterall, democrats have an election to win, so ANYTHING goes, lie or not. The ends justify the means.
  5. K1OU

    K1OU Banned QRZ Page

    Fact:Michael J. Fox did a spot for Arlen Specter, a REPUBLICAN, two years ago for stem cell.

    Fact:Rush didn't call him out for politicizing the issue.

    Fact:You insulted my grandfather who died from the disease, while wailing in false distress that I insulted your mother.

    Fact:Rush is the epitome of hypocrisy for not blasting Arlen Specter.

    Fact:You have once again exhibited the typical conservative double standard.  Thanks for proving my point.

    Fact:You need to grow up.
  6. K1OU

    K1OU Banned QRZ Page

    Kind of like Iraq?
  7. W9WHE

    W9WHE Ham Member QRZ Page

    It is allways amazing how it is OK for democrats to lie, cheat, steal, rape, fondle and mislead.

    When exposed, do they defend? No.
    Do they explain, no.
    When they make a deal, do they live up to it, no.
    When challeneged, do they back up claims with facts, no.

    In short, they feel free to say ANYTHING, claim ANYTHING, do ANYTHING, and then when they get caught, they just walk away.

    And they wonder why people do not trust them.
  8. K1OU

    K1OU Banned QRZ Page

    Do we hit on underage pages?
  9. K1OU

    K1OU Banned QRZ Page

    Explain away the spot the Michael J. Fox did for Specter, Jonathan.
  10. K1OU

    K1OU Banned QRZ Page

    Quit diverting from the issue and explain the spot that Fox did for Specter, Jonathan.
  11. K1OU

    K1OU Banned QRZ Page

    Still no answer. Real surprise.
  12. K1OU

    K1OU Banned QRZ Page

    Instead of coming with facts, you level cheap personal attacks. Real smart.
  13. K1OU

    K1OU Banned QRZ Page

    I see now that he ran away.  He'll be back soon spouting the same trash that he has spouted a thousand time before, and none of it will have anything to do with why Rush didn't blast a Republican for using Michael J. Fox in a spot about stem cell research.
  14. W9WHE

    W9WHE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Michael Fox's ad misled the public FOR THE BENIFIT OF AN ENTIRE POLITICAL PARTY. The FACT is that ENBRIONIC stem cell research, AS FOX & DEMOCRATS ADVOCATE, has been a DRY HOLE. On the other hand, ADULT embryonic research, AS REPUBLICANS ADVOCATE has produced IMPRESSIVE results.

    "Benefits of Stem Cells to Human Patients
    Adult Stem Cells v. Embryonic Stem Cells
    Adult Stem Cells Embryonic Stem Cells

    Brain Cancer
    Ovarian Cancer
    Skin Cancer: Merkel Cell Carcinoma
    Testicular Cancer
    Tumors abdominal organs Lymphoma
    Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
    Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
    Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
    Acute Myelogenous Leukemia
    Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
    Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia
    Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia
    Cancer of the lymph nodes: Angioimmunoblastic Lymphadenopathy
    Multiple Myeloma
    Breast Cancer
    Renal Cell Carcinoma
    Various Solid Tumors
    Soft Tissue Sarcoma
    Ewing’s Sarcoma
    Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia
    Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
    POEMS syndrome
    Auto-Immune Diseases

    Systemic Lupus
    Sjogren’s Syndrome
    Autoimmune Cytopenia
    Crohn’s Disease
    Behcet’s Disease
    Rheumatoid Arthritis
    Juvenile Arthritis
    Multiple Sclerosis
    Systemic Vasculitis
    Alopecia Universalis
    Buerger’s Disease

    Acute Heart Damage
    Chronic Coronary Artery Disease

    Corneal regeneration

    Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Syndrome
    X-linked Lymphoproliferative Syndrome
    X-linked Hyper immunoglobulin M Syndrome
    Neural Degenerative Diseases and Injuries

    Parkinson’s Disease
    Spinal Cord Injury
    Stroke Damage
    Anemias and Other Blood Conditions

    Sickle Cell Anemia
    Sideroblastic Anemia
    Aplastic Anemia
    Red Cell Aplasia
    Amegakaryocytic Thrombocytopenia
    Primary Amyloidosis
    Diamond Blackfan Anemia
    Fanconi’s Anemia
    Chronic Epstein-Barr Infection
    Wounds and Injuries

    Limb Gangrene
    Surface Wound Healing
    Jawbone Replacement
    Skull Bone Repair
    Other Metabolic Disorders

    Hurler’s Syndrome
    Osteogenesis Imperfecta
    Krabbe Leukodystrophy
    Cerebral X-Linked Adrenoleukodystrophy
    Liver Disease

    Chronic Liver Failure
    Liver Cirrhosis
    Bladder Disease

    End-Stage Bladder Disease"

    The Facts - Prentice, D. "Adult Stem Cells" Appendix K in Monitoring Stem Cell Research: A Report of the President's Council on Bioethics (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 2004), 309-346."

    But hey, let's NOT let the facts get in the way of a TOTALLY misleading democrat ad. Moreover, Michael FOX deliberately took excessive medication, so as to EXAGGERATE his symptoms to falsely increase sympathy. But hey, let's not let the truth get in the way of a democrat political ad.

    If Fox REALLY wanted to advance a MEDICAL cause, he would advocate ADULT stem cell research, which, to date, is the ONLY research that has produced results. He would not be advocating research that has produced NO meaningful results. But hey, this is democrat polotics in October. "october suprise" sure backfired. Big time!
    This type of false, misleading and SLEAZY campaigning merely reveals liberals for what they really are. And more and more people are beginning to see them for what they are.

    Got any more "surprises"?
    As Bush once said....
    "bring em on".
  15. W9WHE

    W9WHE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Democrats were VERY CRUEL AND HEARTLESS to hold out false hope of EMBRIONIC stem cell research to sick people. Preying on the hopes of sick people is pretty sad. But hey, that's democrat polotics. Desperate poloticians do desperate things, no matter who they hurt. Sadly, for some, misleading the sick with false hope is fair game, if it advances their own political power. As democrat mantra goes.....

    "the ends justify the means".

    Taking excessive medication to exaggerate his symptoms and engender excessive sympathy. Giving false hope regarding EMBRIONIC stem cell research. Risking the tax exempt status of his own chairatable foundation. For what? Just to smear republicans? I think we have all had about enough of Michael Fox's misleading exploitation of a terrible disease for democrat political gain.  I know I have.
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