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Issue #17: The Best, But at What Cost?

Discussion in 'Trials and Errors - Ham Life with an Amateur' started by W7DGJ, Apr 25, 2023.

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  1. W7DGJ

    W7DGJ Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks for the great post, Louis. I totally agree with your comments about the brain and keeping sharp. I try my hardest to stay on top of things, but can sure feel age creeping up on me. The LAST thing I want to do is to retire to an easy chair and watch TV all day long. Fishing? Love it. Never poured the big bucks into it. Have my fly rod, a kit to make lures, and so on, but rarely take the time to get out there. It's the time that is the deal killer on hobbies . . . You may love the hobby, but if you don't invest TIME into it, you'll soon fade out of it. I love radio. Sometimes I find myself WRITING too much about radio, and not being ON THE AIR enough. The same thing can happen . . . burnout. So, I get back into the shack and get on the air. That refreshes my interests almost instantly. Good luck with your business, Louis, and have fun out there . . . Dave, W7DGJ
  2. WW7GBA

    WW7GBA Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I have been busy, but I do get on the radio during the day. This year is going to be a tough one, got several speaking engagements starting on the 18th in Nashville. Covid and zoom really backed up the live presentations, so now everything is in a cluster, and it is catch up time. I ordered a DX Commander today, probably will not be able to do much with it until July. Then its back to travel. Next year I am not scheduling anything, need a break, just thinking about all the trips is stressful enough! LOL I am looking forward to getting that antenna up. I get good QSOs, but reception here where I am at is tough at times. Dipoles are noisy, sometimes you don't have enough filtering to make a QSO happen, so I am hopeful that the DX will help with some of that. I have two dipoles, a 40 and a 12/17/20 fan dipole.

    73 WW7GBA
    W7DGJ likes this.

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