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( INFORMACIÓN ) 3Y0J, The Bouvet Island DXpedition 2023

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by EA1CS, Mar 5, 2022.

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  1. N1RBD

    N1RBD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Doesn't answer the question of which client they are using. I saw that quote mentioned, but as I said before there are reports of them running in F/H but transmitting during the odd periods, which MSHV will do.

    So the question remains...

    Are the 3Y0J FT8 ops that are transmitting during odd periods pirates or 3Y0J running MSHV?

    If they would let us know definitively what client they are using it may help settle a bunch of the confusion.
    W7UUU likes this.
  2. EA1CS

    EA1CS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

  3. EA1CS

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  4. EA1CS

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  5. EA1CS

    EA1CS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Last edited: Feb 12, 2023
  6. EA1CS

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  7. EA1CS

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  8. EA1CS

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  9. EA1CS

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  10. EA1CS

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  11. EA1CS

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  12. W9FL

    W9FL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Continuous string of dits on 18.072 DQRM.
    EA1CS likes this.
  13. EA1CS

    EA1CS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Tom it's a great pity that Radio Amateurs have shown our worst version, I'm really sad about it. As he commented in his post Jeff-KE9V, all this makes me plant a lot of things... 73
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  14. EA1CS

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  15. EA1CS

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