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In my HOA I converted a light string to a real antenna...

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KD4BMG, Nov 18, 2023.

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  1. KD4BMG

    KD4BMG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Ok now, this isn't about HOA's this is about antennas and how those who choose to live in an HOA, or must because of circumstances, are able to get up an antenna in spite of the restrictions.
    KK9D, M6ECG, KO4CES and 53 others like this.
  2. KF5OXQ

    KF5OXQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    ZL2VTH likes this.
  3. KL7KN

    KL7KN Ham Member QRZ Page

    A 'bad' antenna is better than NO antenna. Thanks for sharing the idea.
    W5VL, K4SAW, TA0BA and 5 others like this.
  4. W3TKB

    W3TKB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Interesting concept, and I see what you're doing there....camouflaging the antenna wire underneath the sting of lights. But I have to that really necessary? I mean...if you were to use wire that is the same color as your shingles, would anyone really see it? In fact, you could probably spray paint the plastic clips to match shingle or gutter color as well, making everything just blend together. That long tail length of wire that lays on the roof is plainly conspicuous as white on top of gray, but if the wire was gray itself...I doubt anyone would see it. Having never lived in an HOA, I don't know how precise or in-depth their scrutiny of a house is for possible violations; do they walk around the perimeter of your house and view it from top to bottom? Because it seems to me, from street level, if the wire and clips were the same color as roof would be pretty hard to see without binoculars or such. My other thought would be: if you have Christmas/party lights on your house but they are never turned on or used, wouldn't someone notice that and raise a fuss? If I watched my neighbor get out a ladder and put up "Christmas lights", then never turned them on, and then never took them down...I'd be wondering what's up with that.

    Still...if concealment underneath the Christmas lights is needed...excellent way to fool "the man"!
    WZ7U, NS8S, W7DGJ and 1 other person like this.
  5. K9EZ

    K9EZ Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Fun and creative!
    NS8S and HB9EPC like this.
  6. KD4BMG

    KD4BMG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Spot on in your thoughts. I do multiple videos showing many ideas, and one on the list is precisely as you describe, use wire that matches your shingle color, and or the color of your facia. That is perfect concealment as well, and I actually have that video in process using a commercially available antenna. Appreciate the feedback.
    KK9D likes this.
  7. W9WQA/SK2024

    W9WQA/SK2024 Ham Member QRZ Page

    suppose with some rf chokes and caps you could actually use lights lite up as the ant. be creative...
    W2CQ, HB9EPC, WJ2L and 1 other person like this.
  8. N1JSM

    N1JSM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    if i had HOA issues, i would put up vinyl rain gutters with antenna wire in the inner lip and down spouts
    WH6LU, N4LMM, KU4NJ and 6 others like this.
  9. DO1FER

    DO1FER Ham Member QRZ Page

    The reason why this cable works is the structure. The cable itself is a fine multicore cable. If there is just one fine metalline, like in switchoard cable, the whole thing stalls.

    In cause of the multicore cable, every thin line acts like an antenna.

    VE3EIE and HB9EPC like this.
  10. KD4BMG

    KD4BMG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Great suggestion!
    K4JGA likes this.
  11. AD4ZU

    AD4ZU Ham Member QRZ Page

    14G insulated color black marine wire is invisible, handles current. I was in an HOA myself. Try it out. Plus marine wire is really, really hard to break or compromise with heavy winds, rain, etc
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2023
    KF8ZR, HB9EPC, WJ2L and 1 other person like this.
  12. ON3MDR

    ON3MDR Ham Member QRZ Page

    When deceiving the local HOA becomes an olympic sport! Kudos!!! :)
    KQ4CM, KF7PCL, HL5ZEE and 10 others like this.
  13. PY6FX

    PY6FX XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I am an enthusiast of survivalist solutions. I myself use an antenna that takes advantage of the support from my own house. It's a dipole terminated in a resistive load that built by myself.

    I have a bad feeling about these times. We must be prepared to improvise.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2023
    KF0NLP, N7SNR, WA6Q and 3 others like this.
  14. KQ4LQN

    KQ4LQN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks for sharing, Bob! I'm looking forward to trying something like this, once I get an HF-capable rig.
    HB9EPC likes this.
  15. K4PIH

    K4PIH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Is there an HOAOTA?
    KF0NLP, KK9D, NW2M and 28 others like this.

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