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I cannot confirm QSO, but I have all data

Discussion in 'QRZ Site Community Help Center' started by M0PPR, Apr 1, 2023.

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  1. M0PPR

    M0PPR XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hi All,

    I did a QSO with Gibraltar, one QSO confirmation was requested by me and rejected by the other part (fair enough) and the other confirmation request was sent to me by the person from Gibraltar.


    When I try to edit the record, there are all details already in the record, so how can I confirm the QSO if it has already everything inside?

    I logged the QSO with him at the time when the QSO was done, so I do not understand why this request arrived anyway! This is why I have got all details.

    Last edited: Apr 1, 2023
  2. G0IEE

    G0IEE Ham Member QRZ Page

    The only thing I can see is the FT8 freq'y. Maybe if you delete the entry and replace it with all details eg 28.074 and see if that works.
    Keith de G0IEE.
    M0PPR likes this.
  3. KP4SX

    KP4SX Ham Member QRZ Page

    The ZB8YN freq looks ok as shown
  4. M0PPR

    M0PPR XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hi, correct. No point to change QRG :) I have a feeling it is a bug. Also I found 3 or 4 more QSOs like that one.
  5. M0PPR

    M0PPR XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    This particular record "got fixed" itself. Magically it become correct and confirmed. If any admin helped - I would say thank you.
  6. N8HUS

    N8HUS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I've never been able to confirm someone's request for confirmation. I make sure all data is correct - nothing! It just don't work.
  7. K8VHL

    K8VHL Moderator Emeritus Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Last edited: Mar 30, 2024
    W8TJM likes this.

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