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I can (not yet?) add anything to my page

Discussion in 'QRZ Site Community Help Center' started by ON3MDR, May 7, 2023.

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  1. ON3MDR

    ON3MDR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hello all and Helpers,
    I have been added to the database a few days ago and wanted to set up my page, but I cannot do so (yet). In helper videos, I noticed an extra item in the user menu (right top) that I dont have.
    Is this due to my "newness" to the site? Are more tweaks called for?
    Thankks for meditating with me.
  2. K8VHL

    K8VHL Moderator Emeritus Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Just one more step per Kaz's instructions:
    Please log out of once, and then log in again.
    It will allow you to access the database and edit it yourself.
    Last edited: May 7, 2023
    ON3MDR likes this.
  3. ON3MDR

    ON3MDR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks! I keep staying logged in (bad habit) as I am the only one accessing my PC...
    It's good now...
    K8VHL likes this.
  4. K8VHL

    K8VHL Moderator Emeritus Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm glad that fixed it. Not to worry, our system will automatically log you out periodically.
    ON3MDR likes this.

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