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Huston We Have A Problem! - SuitSat is Dead

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KC0RSW, Feb 4, 2006.

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  1. AB8MA

    AB8MA Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Sorry Chip, but I have to share this. I know it has no significance to this forum, and I do not know if it has appeared in other forums on QRZ. But here goes.


    "But Chip wasn't one to give up. Starting as a young 11 year-old novice, WN1HBX, Chip pushed ahead. His first antenna was a dipole up six feet; his best DX a VE2. However, in a couple of short years of odd jobs and yard work, he had managed to pay for a Swan 500 and a Yagi. At 14, Chip had DXCC and was the youngest Extra, as WA1JHQ in New England. "
  2. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page


    Well, since I'm the author, it wasn't meant to be sarcastic at all. As a project manager for a large project, I'm sure Fred is always looking for ways to improve efficiency, reduce waste and bureaucracy.

    No, friend, it was your lack of knowledge or perhaps confusion with Proxmire's Golden Fleece Award that motivated your inappropriate and incorrect reaction to my suggestion.

    To those reading, its probably a useful observation.

    Speaking of thread topics, why don't YOU start one on Jim Hainey's reign? Or, on something else, for that matter. You seem all but too anxious to participate in thread commentary, yet we haven't seen your name as author to *any* QRZ News Topics in at least the last 2 years. Why not?

    You aren't sheepish by nature. Speak up.
  3. AB8MA

    AB8MA Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Let me add. When Chip refers to a failure, he is not refering to us. That is his way of dealing with hoaxes.


    I know that my reactions to Chip have been Internet Kneejerks. In otherwords NEGATIVE.

    I know that the phrase "get educated" can be hard to take.

    But I have done some internal thinking, and I have re-read this thread.

    I believe that Chip does not like me.
    I thought I did not like Chip.

    Why don't we all allow this thread to radiate and disperse. We can rejoin on another thread if we wish (send me a recommended topic) but please lets let this be.
  4. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Let me give you one of the drivers of successful people--

    It isn't the fear of failing.

    It is the fear that they are lazy.

    Case in point.

    I am constantly exhorting myself to get off my butt. Some of us didn't have Jewish mothers:)

    Anyway, that stuff is true, but I'm sure some think it's 'arrogance'.

    I'm old enough to know my place.

    Can we move onto something interesting? I am a pretty boring guy--who fears self-sloth.


    Chip N1IR
  5. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Nope; that's not it.

    I'm not happy with some of your personal comments.

    I don't know you, so I certainly don't have an opinion on whether I 'dislike' you. Your comments took me from 'like' (default) to 'neutral'.

    As for 'eyeball QSO's', it's just not my thing. Nothing to do with you. All to do with me; privacy, and so on. Too many years doing the ham lecture circuit in the 90's.

    I would never speak at Dayton, for example. Fine for others. Not my thing.

    I might go this year. Antenna forum may prove amusing.

    Chip N1IR
  6. AB8MA

    AB8MA Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Well. I stood on the W key a long time thinking how to start.

    First, Chip I appreciate that you now recognize me. After my prior reactions and responses to your own posts, I feel better.

    I understand why you would not be happy with some of my personal comments.

    I will say, in my most humble opinion, that you should examine your approach to others.

    I also say that I myself need to examine my own approach. Mine here has been pretty bad.

    My best wishes to you and yours,

    Bob - AB8MA
  7. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    If I saw more folks here with 'gung ho' attitudes, and less with 'CB from the 70's' mindsets, there would be no reason to comment at all.

    Think of it as as form of 'tough love'.

    This is a great service. Many, many great people.

    Chip N1IR
  8. KD5NCO

    KD5NCO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hummmm....Suit Sat planning, stated goals, project management and the notion under this topic heading that "Huston we have a problem"


    Sorry I did not spend the additional time to catch that I was telling a non US citizen that I was doing due diligence managing Tax Payer dollars.  Good catch, I was too focused on making a point to the forum at large, and did not catch the "your" notation in that sentence for national relevance of U.S. tax payers.

    I think the typical reader is sophisticated enough to understand that my personal example was intended to convey that I understand large scale project management, that most projects have processes that can assure success, and that, in contrast, I thought that the team working on Suit Sat failed in one or more of those processes.

    It is not about me, I don't ever intend a posting to be about me, but there are times when explaining a idea it is OK to let the reader know that you understand all the intricacies of what your are trying to explain.

    I took your dissection of my overly long post as a personal attack.

    You managed in that one post to focus the topic away from project management, success or failure, and make the topic about me, my communication skills, and a nit pick about the relevance of my management of tax dollars in a sentence that is directed at a fellow amateur who pays no U.S. taxes.  The tone of your note is condescending, sarcastic, and disrespectful.

    However, Lee you owe me no apology, you only cause me to try better next time in my communication skills...

    I am mind full that you keep stirring the poo with Dr. Cohen reference his requests of some here to remove slanderous and libelous statements when you in fact made similar demands of me once upon a time with a threat of suit. Or are my muddled 50 year old synapses thinking of some other Lee?

    Sorry to point this out Lee, but your several posts here on this topic add nothing to the debate of the subject but rather are an attempt by you to characterize the writings and personalities of two of the topic posters, me and Chip. Pity because your normal temperament and interests suggest that you might be in general agreement with us on this topic of Suit Sat.

    Hey Lee.... just a little thought. As you are aware I am relatively new to the ARS but at age 50 it is probable that I have 20 or 30 more years to eventually learn grow and morph into one of the OFs with strong opinions. I learn something from every body I meet.

    I just want you to know that I learn much from you in spite of your frustrating way of interacting with me on these forums.

    73 sir.
  9. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yup. That's how I read it. I don't see any other way TO read it.

    Chip N1IR
  10. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page

    OK, there, Fred.  Just for brevity, let me clip what I posted.

    Now, having said that (again).  Besides my comment about 'blithering again' (which I already said that I, too, was guilty of) just what part of the above is condescending, sarcastic, and disrespectful?  Perhaps, Dr. Cohen cribbed your note before you published it.  [​IMG]

    Oh, I guess you do have a memory bank as well.  Yes, I do seem to recall that I asked you to remove what were some rather heavy comments of a personal nature.  I believe you were stimulated by my intense dislike of our dear President's cheerleading BPL.

    Glad you freely admit your age and hopefully as you and I age from our '50s on, we won't morph too far.

    Let's just say that if you had an opinion that I was older (an OF), well, I only have 9 more years on me than you do.  Of course, Dr. Cohen is much younger.  He's told us all that his family has a habit of retiring early.  Those born with 'silver spoons' in their 'bocas' do have an advantage.  Irrespective of their mother's religious/ethnic extraction.

    Since you brought up the subject, I think your response to PE1RDW was a bit heavy-handed and off the mark.  I could find nothing that he said that invited the response you addressed to him.  Your response to him seemed as if he had accused you of not knowing how to manage your way out of a wet paper bag.

    Sure couldn't find anything like that in what he posted.
    Just some questioning and commentary on what appeared to be a claim of insufficient up-front planning.  Sounds like a reasonable claim, owing to what's happened with the suit sat battery.

    Time for me to do as the good Dr. asked, and find another topic.  This is quite boring and non-productive. Especially listening to self-enfatuous gobble-de-goop.

    (Now, who was that aimed at?  Nope, Fred, not at you.)

  11. N7YA

    N7YA Ham Member QRZ Page

    I just wanted to clear a couple of things up, then ill move on.

    My goal is to simply find peace here, we are all from the same group...regardless of backround. I retracted certain statements due to my rereading back posts and gathering facts and how *I* may have presented myself...particularly since, if you read my posts from other threads, i try to bring a logical solution to the group in favor of sticking together, as opposed to fighting one another. it doesnt always work...consider it MY suitsat experiment. [​IMG]

    My comments were beginning to contradict my standpoint. my retraction of comments about Chip were based, not out of fear of any formal action, but out of being tired of doesnt make any of us look good, especially if an interested ham prospect were to go online to learn about ham radio, and rolled across QRZ...boom, we lose another one. If arguing and infighting is what brings a person into ham radio, then they will probably not be a good, productive ham anyway. I have elmered hams before, as im sure quite a few of you have, i dont want these things to be wasted actions. i would rather spend my energy on being a better person, not spiraling into the debate web. its not all that productive to me. but im not telling anyone what to do, or how to conduct themselves, im just putting away the weapons myself.

    If i feel Chip is right about something, then i will say so...if i feel he is out of line, then i will say so, and i hope he would already know he was if that is the case...but my reasoning is simple. he has never insulted my mother, he has never attacked my son, he has never stolen from me or crossed any serious boundries...all he is guilty of is having a very different personality than i, this is not a crime, so i am going to relax about it. as i have said before, its just an internet forum, nothing to get worked up about. especially when i think of those guys and gals taking fire everyday on the streets and deserts of Iraq, im HAPPY to have air conditioning, hot meals and a nice chair and computer to rant on...and thats not mentioning our loved ones that we can hug...the folks over there dont have these luxuries. im thankful for these things, we all should be.

    I have posted what my feelings were on everything else so far, so i dont need to rehash them. I am a reasonable man and can speak as a gentleman to anyone here.

    That is my intention.

    So far, i have learned a little bit from what ive read here from everyone, we have a great group of minds assembled on this thread, though many of us have a hard time seeing eye to eye. from what i understand, its much the same way among groups of scientists (correct me if im wrong). I NEED to keep learning or i grow stagnant, i truly enjoy it...unfortunately, were not learning anything new from the C vs. NC war going on at the top of the "news" list, and that debate serves only to divide us further, we can actually learn something here after all is said and done.

    Suitsat (or something similar) will hopefully be repeated, and this time, im sure they will have figured out the problems and created a solution that will bring great results.
    Chip, we have definately had our problems but i respect your knowledge and will continue to read your posts...i have always enjoyed learning new things. we may not see eye to eye on quite a few things...but, as stated, thats not a crime. fear of litigation or whatnot, is NOT on my mind. Im just sick of fighting about nonsense. so, im all squared if you are.

    Fred, NCO, you know where i stand, im glad we had chatted, we never really had a problem anyway. [​IMG].

    Lee, Im not backing away for anything other than stated above...ive been served papers before. i wasnt scared then and everything always works out in the end....this is a ham radio website, nothing for me here worth blowing out a gasket over. im just trying to be a better man in all this.

    To everyone else, i will continue to read your posts because you all seem to be inclined people. i am learning info about things im not altogether familiar with. if you do a little research on me, you will see that i am not afraid of conflict in the least...but i just dont see the need to continue it here. I wont take sides against fellow hams and i will not engage in anymore scrapping because, quite frankly, its not good for our health and well being. and its just not worth the angst to me.

    Live and learn...TRULY great advice. thats about all i can tell you. sorry guys, im done with my me-fest now, i just wanted to throw this out there, edited version and all...thanks for reading.

    I wish you all a great day, long lives and lots of success.

    73...Adam, N7YA
  12. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    OK with me.

    Now if you just tell me how to get a good bass sound out of a sounds cheesy to me. Probably send it back.

    Guess I'll have to stick with my usual preamp/compressor chain.

    Using a Tobias 6 string. Phat.

    Chip N1IR
  13. M3KCK

    M3KCK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Is this thread about SuitSat or Ego’s?[​IMG]
  14. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page

    As you infer, I'm afraid its digressed to egos.

    The Suit Sat needs a kick in the posterior. I can't speak for the egos. (Fear of legal action)


  15. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's about a failed mission and the denial behaviour that has ensued.
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