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Discussion in 'QRZ Site Community Help Center' started by SM5LBR, May 9, 2022.

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  1. SM5LBR

    SM5LBR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I am starting to get tons of QSL requests for confirmation into my QRZ.COM log. Many are as far back as 10 years or more. I haven't been very good in writing down everything or enter it. I also had many QSO's while being mobile on HF. So when I want to confirm now, I am requested to enter report, time and date, but I have of none of them available. Is it possible to return the request to sender and ask them to fill in for me? Otherwise I will have to reject.
    Grateful for replay.
    Rainer SM5LBR
    KB1YNO likes this.
  2. K3XR

    K3XR Ham Member QRZ Page

    If you search the operators call on, many will have an email address listed on their bio page where you can contact them for the information.
    DG1RS likes this.
  3. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    Not much you can do short of asking them

    Change your ways going forward and start logging contacts for future confirmations

  4. SM5LBR

    SM5LBR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks for your comments. This was the first time I asked something here and probably the last time.
    Rainer SM5LBR
    KB1YNO and PY2NEA like this.
  5. WG7X

    WG7X Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hello Rainer!
    Sounded like you're upset about at least one of the answers that you've gotten here. Let's just be straightforward here: your answer is just that the confirmations can't be done the way that you wanted due to lack of information on your side of the QSO. This is just a fact.

    The way that QRZ (and most other logging / award systems work) is a double-blind system. That means that you input your data, the others input their data and when both match within certain parameters, a confirmation happens. Parameters usually are: date, time (UTC) and band. More information can be used but those three are the bare minimum required for a match in most systems. Because of the nature of the double-blind system you cannot see their log and they can't see yours during the matching process... There might be a way around this, but I would not know what it would be...

    Now that being said, it will be a very hard task for you to contact each and everyone requesting a confirmation from you if you don't have that information readily available.

    Since there is no readily available way to do this you really would have to work backward and contact each of the hams requesting a confirmation, and then input that information into your log on QRZ and then, there would be a match / confirmation.

    Sorry, OM, that's just the way it is when you want accurate and reliable confirmations. I am sure that if you contact the stations requesting a confirmation, they will provide that to you if they really want the confirmation. No easier way currently exists. QRZ and ARRL are pretty strict about this, "eQSL" is not so strict.

    Good luck with your new quest.
    K3XR and PY2NEA like this.
  6. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    All anyone did was tell you the truth. If you don't have the details of the QSO, you can't confirm it. If you don't want to email the stations involved and ask them for the details, you can't confirm it.

    QRZ is the same as LoTW and other logging services: they are "double blind" which means BOTH users need to supply data.

    You could use eQSL instead - they don't use a "double blind" system so anyone can confirm any contact without even having worked the other station - just copy their details into your log. But QRZ, LoTW, ClubLog, HRDLog, etc. etc. do not operate that way.

    No need to sound upset - these are just facts. And are completely truthful.

    JA6XZS, KP4SX and WG7X like this.
  7. VK3DMX

    VK3DMX XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I keep getting dialog box stating information is wrong and that is it, no matter whether the data is correct or not, I find it hard to confirm contact requests and frustrating
    I must be doing something incorrect
  8. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    The single most common reason a QSO cannot confirm is that one party or the other used LOCAL date & time instead of UTC date & time. And within that subset, it's usually they used LOCAL date but UTC time. Of course, depending on where you live, there can be many hours every day where local date and UTC date match up - and QSOs made during those hours will match! But QSOs during the hours that local date is not the same as UTC date, they will not match and will not confirm.

    Outside of that, the only other common mismatch is mode: a user was on CW using N3FJP software, for example, then switches to SSB and forgets to enter the changed mode, and now QSO after QSO keep being entered in the wrong mode. Same for band.

    But either way, since it's your log that seems to never match, ONE of these things you are doing. It's that simple.


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