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HOA's Take Aim at Our Hobby!

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by WA2SQQ, Aug 14, 2015.

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  1. N3KO

    N3KO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Every HOA is different. Before you buy a home, condo or villa in an HOA governed community READ the HOA docs, your real estate agent should be supplying this to you prior to making an offer.
  2. K6BTM

    K6BTM Ham Member QRZ Page

    In my neighborhood it is !

    I had neighbor across the street that had an array quite similar to that.
    He's a SK now. The inheritors sold the property and the whole array is gone now. I cried that day.
    Both for him and his accomplishments. I miss you Gorge.

    Sad, sad, sad.

    Oh ya, No Damn HOA tyrants this neighborhood !
    AD5KO, N8DC, KL7XJ and 1 other person like this.
  3. ND6M

    ND6M Ham Member QRZ Page

    AMATEURS, like you, that make public rants like this are exactly the reason that HOA's are required
    W3ZGC and KF5EN like this.
  4. W7LOB

    W7LOB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Every person has their own idea of beauty, I personally think a 70 ft tower with an array of antennas on it is beautiful...Now my village doesn't agree,so goes the war....

    I have voiced my opinion to my reps regarding this bill...Stay strong ham brothers and sisters in HOA's,help is coming soon!
    AD5KO, N9RBE, KL7XJ and 1 other person like this.
  5. KD6SBR

    KD6SBR XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Like one poster said "Some people have no choice", I agree, but wait till something happens when ALL type of communications are down, EXCEPT ham radio and who do you think they will turn too if they know a ham radio operator exist in their community. We as hams are still needed in some instances where and when an emergency occurs.
  6. KV3D

    KV3D Ham Member QRZ Page

    What do you mean "the war"? You signed on to the rules and so you have nothing to fight about. This is pathetic.
    W3ZGC and K6BTM like this.
  7. KV3D

    KV3D Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yeah, because that happens a lot...pfft. A disaster that miraculously destroys every radio except for ham radios is not one that would happen often. And even if it did happen, hams would likely go to the site of the disaster rather than sitting on their butts in HOAs saying "too bad I can't help." Some of you are making legal, private antenna restrictions out to be some sort of huge threat to national security/public safety, which is just really sad. Don't worry, you're still free to chase fire trucks with your scanner and 2m HT, begging them to allow you to "help."
    W3ZGC likes this.
  8. K0EED

    K0EED XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I like how YOU seem to be able to determine what's "Reasonable" for all of us. Thank you I will rest better tonight now I have a definitive definition.
    K6BTM likes this.
  9. KC8VWM

    KC8VWM Ham Member QRZ Page

    This letter is full of ridiculous "scare tactic" misconceptions, and highly inaccurate statements.

    No one is suggesting a 70 foot tower for a ham radio antenna in an HOA, any differently that erecting a 70 foot tower for a satellite TV dish.

    The bill put forward is called 'reasonable accommodation" for a reason, and the intention is to actually work with HOA's to maintain aesthetic guidelines in their respective communities. The problem hams are facing is we currently have outright bans on ALL and ANY antennas in HOA's

    All we are asking is for them to be reasonable. The intention of the bill is to simply establish reasonable guidelines for amateur radio antennas in HOA's. We even want to work with HOA's to do this.

    In most cases, people won't even know these antennas are there, but we can't even do that if HOA's ban all and any antennas, including the hidden ones.

    Seems HOA's are on some kind of misinformation campaign, and there's really no credible reason for doing it.
    K5ATG, KD8ZMN, AA7WB and 2 others like this.
  10. W4PG

    W4PG QRZ Lifetime Member #279 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    This whole argument ignores completely how antennas impact the environment.

    I have an 89 foot US Tower in my back yard. It does not pee or poop in my yard. It does not dig holes in my yard. It does not pollute the environment, spoil the water or kill the grass. It does not butt-dial me at 2AM. It does not have pool parties to all hours of the night. It does not shoot fireworks on July 4th that fall on my roof. It does not wake me up at 6AM cutting the grass. It neither barks nor bites.

    So for all here, could you please explain exactly HOW said tower would destroy your life were it installed next to your home? I'd really like to know.


    KD8ZMN, W5WN, AA7WB and 2 others like this.
  11. KV3D

    KV3D Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's not about any of that. Some people (strange people) don't want to SEE any antennas. That's in their private rules in their private community, and you can agree to them or not. Don't sign on to them and then start protesting and fighting the HOA or begging for government force to "rescue" you from your own choice. Doesn't your word mean anything?
    W3ZGC likes this.
  12. KD6SBR

    KD6SBR XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Sorry I even jumped in to say something, thanks, this is why I LOVE HAM RADIO. 73 Sunny.
  13. KC8VWM

    KC8VWM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Blaming people for moving into HOA's in the first place is not addressing the matter, nor does it resolve the antenna ban issue at these developments.

    The bill is about introducing a set of "newly created provisions" for the reasonable accommodation of amateur radio antennas in HOA's regardless of any existing antenna bans in place at any HOA. It is not in any way intended to eliminate the HOA's ability to maintain the aesthetics at their developments.

    Keep in mind, these bans not only affect hams who are already living in HOA's, but it also affects non hams living there too who may become hams in the future. In fact, it even affects hams who don't even live in an HOA at all for that matter, but who may later find themselves moving into an HOA at a later time.

    Quite frankly these "blame games," and ongoing "you should have known what you signed" rhetoric, and these ridiculous finger pointing sessions are well... "pointless.'

    The objective here is simple. It is to change antenna bans at HOA's, into reasonable accommodation of antennas at HOA's. That's what this bill is all about.
    K3LRH and NL7W like this.
  14. KA4AQM

    KA4AQM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hot button for many of us and many of the things said here are true from both sides. It will be hard to define "reasonable". But where there is a will, many will find a way. I think PRB-1 kinda set a precedence for gov't overruling ccr guidelines. And if the bills pass and we are allowed to pursue "reasonable" antennas, we still have a responsibility to address interference problems caused by any antennas. I won't want a 75 ft tower next to my property strictly due to liability issues in case it were to fall. That's a reasonable and legitimate concern. Likewise, I would not erect an antenna higher than my neighbor was comfortable with, still knowing that no matter the height, interference problems would be my biggest concern to maintain peace in the neighborhood.
  15. WB2WIK

    WB2WIK Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    How do you know they don't? Did you ask them all?

    Just because they signed a document stating they agreed to abide by a bunch of restrictions written way before they purchased property doesn't mean they agree with any of it, or believe that antennas -- or anything else prohibited by those restrictions -- are something they don't want. I'd recommend you knock on some doors, shake some hands, and actually ask this question of homeowners.

    You might be really surprised at the answers.
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