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HF NVIS Data Modes on a Budget

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by OH8STN, May 12, 2023.

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  1. OH8STN

    OH8STN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

  2. KD2GIY

    KD2GIY Ham Member QRZ Page

    i love a good nvis!
    K0PJS, WA6RE, TA2IRX and 2 others like this.
  3. N6WJL

    N6WJL Ham Member QRZ Page

    This guy's videos never show any of the things I want to see. How about the way in which the antenna was deployed? Instead it's just him giving opinions on things, I just don't get his channel, none of his videos inform anybody about anything other than his opinions on things (we all know how much those are worth!)

    "Today we're using this antenna"

    Yeah? Are we? Let's see it!
    KA0USE, KK4NSF, AE0Q and 3 others like this.
  4. OH8STN

    OH8STN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Haters will always hate. Idiots will always be ..! There's absolutely nothing I can do to change those two facts.

    It's obvious you didn't watch the video, otherwise your comment would be in context. Here's a heads up: This video is a budget go-kit concept. It is accompanied by a blog post detailing every aspect of each component and how they are configured. There are no opinions, only facts based on testing.
    (Since you probably didn't get that far in the video, here's the blog link.)
    Ultimately, if you don't like the channel , don't watch! If you do watch, watch long enough to "get to the point". Oh yes, and don't forget to read the video description on YouTube. There's usually much more information there, than in the first few minutes of the video.
    I do understand the "short attention span" some people suffer from. Sadly my channel is not for them.
    So which one are you?
    A. Hater?
    B. Idiot?
    C. Short attention span?
    D. All of the above?
    Julian oh8stn
    AI7KS, KI6RK, MM6PMQ and 12 others like this.
  5. AA7IS

    AA7IS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Agree! as if put together without any real thought process involved!
    It seems that oh8stn feels it was impeccable we just didn't watch it properly lol.
    K4JNS, AE0Q and N6WJL like this.
  6. K6DBF

    K6DBF Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    OH8STN has done more for advancing low power portable and emergency radio communication than anyone in amateur radio to date. His videos are straightforward and always informative. The presentations concerning all aspects of survival communication technology and methodology
    that OH8STN provides is unavailable elsewhere. His illustrations are unbiased and to the point; in addition, the operating examples that he includes are quite clear. As with any video concerning radio communication, a minimal level
    of technical expertise is expected to be had by those viewing it.
    KI6RK, MM6PMQ, K0PJS and 16 others like this.
  7. KL7KN

    KL7KN Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm not a fan of watching videos where the presenters face in the main product. This for ham radio or any other video. But, that's just me.

    OTOH, OH8STN's blog is well written - something that I do like. I can skim past the flogging of products to discover what is in use. While he - IMO - writes like a Russian (uses 10 or 20 words where 3 would do) - he does take care to be very specific on equipment. The photos are well done and well posed - IOW, professional. The screen shots are expandable to be easy to read. A plus, and not often seen on the Web.

    I don't see the Winlink love and the focus on disaster comms, but to his credit, he doesn't wear a vest (no snark intended). Mostly, I'll take a pass on most of what he posts, as it is of little interest. But when I do bother, it is informative and well documented. A rarity in ham radio on the web.

    ZL2VTH, WD4DXQ, AA7IS and 2 others like this.
  8. K0OLG

    K0OLG Ham Member QRZ Page

    I like OH8STN because he exudes the spirit of amateur radio. I do find him informative. His skillset is beyond my grasp. I have tried some of his recommendations and have struggled to make them work. But I won't give up. He has a lot to offer. This is the internet, take it or leave it. Don't get your nickers in a twist.

    K0PJS, NM9X, WD4DXQ and 5 others like this.
  9. W7ASA

    W7ASA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well done, Julian! This is definitely portable, affordable and suitable for inclusion into a rucksack for hiking and camping. Basing it upon the TR(u)SDX is a wise choice: affordable, low Rx/Tx current drain and quite effective. I own one and enjoy it in CW and digital modes (Android phone app for an abbreviated FLdigi). Oh, how I do wish that there was an Android phone app for JS8call.

    Thanks for making and posting this video.

    73 de Ray / W7ASA ..._ ._
    K0PJS, NM9X, KJ7OES and 3 others like this.
  10. OH8STN

    OH8STN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks Ray.
    The idea came from Someone commenting on the channel. They were just getting started in /P ham radio data modes, and wondered why I've only posted videos about very expensive gear and radios. I figured the investment in this video and documentation would be useful to the community. In fact this is now my bike EDC radio.
    Anyway, thanks for the kindness and the comment. Greatly appreciated.
    Julian oh8stn
    K0PJS, KJ7OES and W0JPO like this.
  11. IZ5EKW

    IZ5EKW Ham Member QRZ Page

    sistema nvis e vara per protezione civile noi gia in ari res ari scandicci fi gia usiamo
    per comunicare ad corta distanza in 40mt in zone del territorio molto difficile 73 iz5ekw sergio
    K0OLG likes this.
  12. N6WJL

    N6WJL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Oh, I watched the whole video, and I don't "hate" anybody. So that's you basically calling me an idiot. Nice! The egos on these youtube hams will NEVER stop amazing me!

    BTW: If you showed how the antennas were being deployed, it would help others determine if they will able to deploy it also, and in what situations. I've never seen a video about a "go kit" that didn't also show everything set up from start to finish. Why do that when you can just pull random clips from your other videos, I guess?

    Good luck, stay safe, have fun.
    73 DE KN6UQD
    AA7IS and KL7KN like this.
  13. K0OLG

    K0OLG Ham Member QRZ Page

    I notice you still live in COVID fear because you used the key phrase "stay safe". Many diy or "how to" youtube videos are very specific and step by boring step instructional videos for idiots who don't know how to find out or figure out where to find needed information. Other, more advanced youtube channels tend to give the theoretical and philosophical bedrock on which competent hams can build what works for them. If I can politely offer you advice: get with it!

  14. N6WJL

    N6WJL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Huh? What's with all the assumptions? I was never scared of COVID, I didn't even get the vaccine..... lmao you're trippin bud.

    Nobody asked for any step by step instructions, it would just be nice to see a picture of the antenna being used actually deployed.
    AA7IS likes this.
  15. WD4ELG

    WD4ELG Ham Member QRZ Page

    @OH8STN thanks once again for an outstanding video. I always learn a LOT, and I go back and watch again several times.
    KJ7OES, WD4DXQ and W0JPO like this.

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