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Ham Saves his Friend's Life from 500 miles away

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by WW5F, Aug 20, 2021.

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  1. WW5F

    WW5F Ham Member QRZ Page

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2021
    AH7I, K8VSY, N8ECH and 11 others like this.
  2. K9GLS

    K9GLS Guest

    Sounds like a landline phone call and a retired nurse saved his life.
    W1AEO, WB4JWF, K3RW and 12 others like this.
  3. N1IPU

    N1IPU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well thankfully it wasn't FT8 o_O
    K0NH, K3RTA, KF7PCL and 19 others like this.
  4. KI6KQO

    KI6KQO XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks for sticking with the call and taking action. You made a difference.
    2E0EUG, MM0XXW and M1WML like this.
  5. K1SHE

    K1SHE Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thank you very good to se stories like this
    M1WML likes this.
  6. M1WML

    M1WML Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well done..;)
    MM0XXW likes this.
  7. HB9EPC

    HB9EPC Ham Member QRZ Page

    La bonne personne , le bon réflexe au bon moment.
    ...La formule magique ! Bravo.
    KC1HUR, WA4JHE and M1WML like this.
  8. ZL1PDT

    ZL1PDT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well done
    M1WML likes this.
  9. K9GLS

    K9GLS Guest

    Now you could squeeze SOS in that little line of FT8. Not that I really know. A friend told me.
    M1WML likes this.
  10. WB2WIK

    WB2WIK Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I think it was K6PKL who was the subject of the report.

    I don't know him, but nice work and glad it made the local news up there!
    M1WML likes this.
  11. G3SEA

    G3SEA Ham Member QRZ Page

    In an Emergency any mode is appropriate :cool:
    M1WML and SA1CKE like this.
  12. K6FVC

    K6FVC Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Great Job Bill!
    M1WML likes this.
  13. M6EVR

    M6EVR Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    its amazing what ham radio can do ( well done )
    M1WML likes this.
  14. EI7II

    EI7II XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Wonderful story. Fantastic work by all involved. Yet again, Ham Radio and our Hams saved a life !
    M1WML likes this.
  15. KN4KP

    KN4KP Ham Member QRZ Page

    Just one of the many things I love and appreciate about Ham Radio.
    M1WML likes this.

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